To the Solo Players

Okay, thank you for clearing that up. I was a bit confused for a minute, that is what I sort of thought at first but wasn’t 100% sure. So, let me clarify this real quick, I am not saying you can’t play wow alone. Play the game how you want, I just see wow as a social game that’s all. But anywho, such as you worded it like that I can think of many fun ideas Blizzard could implement into WOW that’d be fun for a social player.


You mean what “more” than continuing to do the exact same boring chores that you stopped doing long ago? Oh, boy, they can continue to run LFR. Like you do on your main and all your alts every week, because you find it so much fun?


The original four zones are dead. There is no rewards except for the world boss.


I feel like many fun things for a solo player could be added. For example, Dragonflight is is adding (idk how to make it sort of how discord spoilers it but if you know you know)
But there could be also fishing mini-games, we could add more things to pet battles and show a bit more love, similar things to mage tower, etc.

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Let’s start by fleshing out the hubs and stuff, and some old zone locales while we’re at it. Really put the “world” back in World of Warcraft. Taverns are probably one of the best examples of this on MG: dozens of people attend tavern events here where they socialize like it’s an actual inn and tavern.

What if we did this officially? Hearthstone minigames, drinking contests, live music etc…


Random “world events” in the form of bar fights and pub crawls breaking out.

I’d like for taverns to be the hubs for adventurers to pick up quests and bounties too.


As a mostly solo/duo player, I feel there is plenty to do, but I also have an army of alts.

The only thing most solo players are annoyed about is the mount that was mis-advertised through LFR it seems.

For me, it’s the time to gear my alts as it’s so easy now. Finally used my 100k+ flux for something that was wasting away.

Not to mention, SL is not the only content for solo players.

I’m having more fun now than I did the whole xpac. :man_shrugging:

Par of the course though as they loosen things up for the last patch.


One thing that did annoy me is Torghast, only because you cannot finish the upper layers without doing group content. I’m one of the four people that actually liked it, so yeah… That kinda felt like a kick in the n/guts.


I love this idea, to me right now, world of warcraft isn’t giving off a sort of DND/Witcher, etc fantasy vibe. It just feels all over the place, I love being social in world of warcraft and I wish there were more elements to that instead of forums or trade. Because with trade if you try being social, your message goes away because of "WTS 10-15 KEYS “group of friends” sort of thing. I just generally sometimes want to have a conversation with people in this game, because it is what I enjoy.


They did this for a quest or two here and there and it’s certainly not a bad suggestion either, harkening back to pen and paper RPGs like DnD.


The idea reminds me of “Tavern RP” threads on a forum I used to frequent in my teens, Gaia Online. They had a forum for roleplaying and the Tavern RP was the most cliche kind of RP you could do. It mostly consisted of a tavern in the middle of a mysterious forest, and everyone was the brooding character in the corner. They would sit in their respective corners brooding at each other. It was hilarious.


I accept this answer. I can’t disagree on this.

FF 14 and ESO are still locking high end gear around raiding dungeons and group play. So this seems sorta dishonest.

No? None of you answered the question. The only one that actually listed anything was in here.

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It doesn’t appear to be either.

You again? I think i answered you’re stupid question like half an hour ago in the other thread.

Did this really warrant yet another thread?



I dunno, something new to do that involves stuff that I don’t regularly do?

Which many solo players don’t enjoy. And even if you do, and decide to complete it, doing the same content repeatedly is not my cup of tea and I’m guessing its the same for a lot of ‘solo’ players.


Ah right, so just keep doing the same things repeatedly that we have been doing for months. Right, how dare anyone think that adding new content for casual/solo players isn’t necessary - just go do the stuff we already have and - being solo players - have doubtless done many, many times before.

Obviously not.


Read the other thread, you might think differently!!

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Would not surprise me if this clown has me on ignore. Why else would he not answer my reply in the other thread?

Like i said there, we want higher ilvl cypher/sandworn gear in OUR version of endgame, ZM! We would also have liked if the XP boost stayed!

Not much to ask.


Not that I’m complaining because I have plenty to do but in an effort to get improvement I’ll throw it out there. WQ’s in Shadowlands are trash compared to BFA and Legion :slight_smile:

All of this is stuff from pre S4 and doesn’t address

What did S4 specifically add for solo players? Not “What’s available for solo players in the current xpac”.


There are tons of things to do other than running raids or mythic+

Pet collecting
Selling leveled pets
Achievements new and legacy
Legacy raids for mogs and pets
AH gold making
Doing reputation dailys for current and legacy content.

There are many ways to enjoy the game if you no longer raid for whatever reason.


But like, this is still an incorrect assumption.

I pointed this out in my other thread, but did you know that WoW became popular because it was effectively the anti-MMO? You didn’t need a group to succeed. You had group content because, yes, it was a multiplayer game, but you did not feel compelled to engage with this content nor were you forgotten about in the grand scheme of the game’s design. At the time, people hated it for this reason but many would agree now that that’s where it got its success.

The MMORPG definition has fundamentally changed because of WoW. No longer was it about a game where you had to group together, but a game where you shared a world with other people. Where it emphasized social play and encouraged it even, but never required it of you. Massively multiplayer online just means that: Multiplayer on a massive scale.

For some people, just being part of that world is enough. I like the idea of just co-existing in a world with other people; where we all go about our individual activities.

And for awhile now, I think WoW has forgotten that. I think the world has been de-emphasized in exchange for instanced content, and I think the content in the world is extremely lackluster and doesn’t have any replayability. I saw it happening in BfA, but I felt the full affects in SL to such a degree that even the zones were instanced. In this way, I would actually argue that WoW has somewhat regressed to that original definition that existed prior to its inevitable success in 2004.

Right now, open world content feels like an afterthought, especially when compared to open world content in Classic. I know it’s taboo to say this, but I just feel like the way you engage with the world in Classic is far more interesting than anything in retail. Retail’s world feels so much smaller and so much more linear. I don’t get the sense of exploration the same way I do in Classic despite having done the content in Classic way more than I have in retail.

In sum, I think the notion that WoW has always been like this is just wrong. I feel like the game has heavily leaned one way and has lost sight of what made it successful to begin with. Thankfully, Dragonflight looks like a massive overhaul and a potential return to form for the game, so I’m hopeful.

Since when did anybody say anything about high end gear? Like the fact that you think everything needs to reward gear in order to feel substantial or rewarding really does tell me that the WoW community’s assumption of solo play (and what we want from it) is totally misconstrued. You don’t need to incentivize solo content with the best gear in order for it to be a major part of your game’s core design.

FFXIV doesn’t reward high-end gear through solo content and yet most people will tell you that its MSQ (the solo content part of the game) trumps just about everything else the game has to offer despite that. What’s your point?


Yep, no shortage of stuff to do, even if you aren’t max level.