To the Premades ( 8 in a row )

preach brother! im down to fight these filthy cheaters to the end man

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3s participation and RBG participation appears to be way down(the majority of last season). Maybe it could pick up again for S2, we will see. The fact is Solo Arena and Solo BG are more popular that the above mentioned modes, and while random BGs and EBGs are overrun with queue syncers, those wont be enjoyable by most of us for the foreseeable future. This “playing with friends” excuse to provided when talking about queue syncing is not a justification in any way for ruining the non-rated experience for BG and EBG players who choose not to schedule games with a queue syncing community.

“But mah friends”, no, I don’t care. Take your friends to RBGs


For what it’s worth, while queue syncing is common for epics, it is very rare in 10-15 man BG’s. There are quite a few premades that run normals, but it’s just 5-man groups.

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Maybe if dozens of five man groups are queuing up at the same time, that happen to all the oceanic servers, so they have full groups of oceanic servers during NA prime time on their team. But I do appreciate the gaslighting. Starting this new season off strong.

It’s always weird to me that you guys claim it’s not happening when it’s such a big thing in epics. It’s even easer in normal because it’s only 2 groups. Of course people are doing it.

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Despite this. Blizzard needs to change the policy (if this still is or was their policy) and prevent queue syncing from happening. It is negatively affecting too many players and essentially making epic BGs nigh unplayable (unless you are lucky enough to queue into a non premade).

Either way, it needs fixing. Let’s keep the posts going until that day.

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yes. Randoms

That statement is not blizzard policy and never has been. It’s a forum mods personal feelings on the matter.

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Either way, it doesn’t matter was my point.

Queue syncing is ruining epic BGs and Blizz should act on it.

I full heartedly agree

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Unless it was a fluke. I was in an epic that announced the game was ending in 5 min for not having enough players. A premade dodged another one. Interesting if they did indeed add it back.

First 3 BGs of the season were entirely oceanic realm players and won 0 games. Total shut outs all three, than won 1 game, barely.

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