To the Premades ( 8 in a row )

I heard nobody was dropping anymore.

So it’s not because of “toxic personalities” it’s exactly as I’ve always assumed which is them hard dodging their competition to go after low hanging fruit.

Causing a game to start 19v40 is pretty toxic in of itself though.


Why didn’t you que blitz?

well thats what happens que synch communities are like drug dealers near a playground…they recruit people who dont know any better.
filthy cheaters. itll never change. eventually blizz will act…because like in anything…it’s better to be wrong than impotent. and when it comes to the mass cheating taking place in epic bgs…blizz looks impotent


The example I saw was definitely that. The Alliance premade leader stayed in the match but didn’t pull his crew in.

I have no idea how common this is these days outside of my example. But I have heard that a couple at least of the comms have a type of handshake agreement where they won’t mess with each others’ queues, lol.

Like they’ll just use any method possible to avoid each other.

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So, I’ve been thinking about this today, and I’ve decided that I am going to cancel my paid subscription indefinitely. I’m not saying I am totally going to quit, but I have gold saved up, and I’ll buy a token if I really want to play, but I am no longer going to support this game financially.

The reason for that is, I have played random battlegrounds and epic battlegrounds almost exclusively since I started playing back in 2005 and in all of those years, never have I seen such a mess as what random queues are today. A random queue should be just that, randoms.

Imagine running into the same people over and over and over in LFR and LFG and being grief kicked by them, or a 15 man group need rolling all of the loot so that you can’t gear up your own character — this is pretty similar. People who are forced to play as randoms against 30-40 man premades are denied conquest points, and cannot gear their toons beyond honour gear … which is lacking already. This system as it is, is screwing the casual for the gain of the farmers who for some reason, do not want to do rated content, and it’s clear, it’s because rated content is too challenging for them and they want to steamroll noobs for easy conquest farms.

I can play Alliance and boom, its all Horde premades, get sick of it and switch to Horde and what do you know, Alliance premades. Instant queues, back fills… and then the inevitable load in of a well known team who is on discord and organized, and they will steam roll you 99% of the time.

So, that’s that. When the game I’ve been playing called “World of Warcraft”, is no longer balancing their PVP model, it’s no longer the game I want to play. I’d rather play my flute in FFXIV and be the carebear I can be.


I’ve seen this addon in use. What I am wondering, is, if the addon is also the source of severe to non-existent frame rates in some players in certain battlegrounds. I heard the broadcaster mention frame rates, and battlegrounds is absolutely the only place I experience significant losses and server to player latency, particularly in IOC.

Basically, Blizz is telling you that your money is not worth as much as the people who cheat to win. Which is a damn shame

I don’t believe that’s the case. I think it’s gotten to the point where the servers, and our computers, just can’t keep up with all the actions taking place in the modern game.

I remember doing old school Wintergrasp with 200+ players and even that wasn’t as bad as today’s epic battlegrounds.


OK, bye.

…but before you go, I’m going to let you in on a little secret. The game has evolved.

Blizz added this thing called communities. Its allows a wide range of players from across all servers(and now cross factions) to connect and play the game together. It used to be that this was limited to what server you were on and what guild you were in, but now we can reach across the nether, so to speak, and connect to other like minded players that we probably couldn’t reach before.

These communities do a lot of things like role playing, raiding, M+, and a wide variety of PvP. There are PvP communites who are soley interested in Epic Battlegrounds and , surprise, surprise, they are dominating that particular category. They’re better coordinated, and they are going to win 99% of the time when they go up against uncoordinated groups. They’re in discord. They play together a lot so they work well as a team, they know the BGs like the back of their hands, they adapt quickly in the face of adversity and becasue they do this a lot and its end of season they are all fully geared, enchanted, gemmed, optimized, etc. Thats just the way it is.

You can get salty about this, and a lot of folks here on the forums do(lord knows), but the folks in these communities are just using the tools and mechanisms that Blizzard created. Blizzard created communities for this very purpose. For players to network, coordinate and play together. Blizzard allows groups of 5 to que together. There is no policy saying that multiple 5 man groups can’t all coordinate when they press the “join” button. There are literal blue posts stating this (much to the chagrin of all the haters out there). This is where we are and it’s not going to change.

I’m sorry to see you are leaving the game. I just wanted to let you know that you have options to make your BG experience much much better.

Adapt or get run over.

As another poster said previously, If they wanted 40 man raids in non-rated battlegrounds, they would allow for you to form a raid and join. Another poster clearly linked the video discussing and exposing the multiple mods being used hidden and non, to further skew the outcome of the other team to provide wins to their own team. If someone is cheating, the proper answer is not to join in on the cheating for your own profit. If I don’t enjoy being farmed, why would I enjoy farming other people?

I did adapt. I’m choosing to save my money and maybe look into other ways to game, or other games to game. I’m just disappointed because random battlegrounds have been my vibe for many, many many years, and they’re just a terrible mess now that requires you to be in one of these steamroll “communities”, or to be the asphalt.


Ok, I wish you the best.

A rat infiltrated some communities and created a spead sheet about the Community Flair addon, and the amount of times these communities drop ques in order to get there groups into the same BG…meanwhile the rat was a part of a rival community that was also using CF and also dropped ques to get there groups in the same BGs, but somehow they were missing from the rat’s spread sheet. It wasn’t about que dropping, it was about trying to make certain people look bad. They posted it here and on Reddit, got Venruki to notice a comment on stream. Many many people reported this to, etc, etc, etc.

And whatever became of that?? Oh, thats right, nothing, Because it was never anything to begin with. It was bluster and hype, and all the tin foil hat haters on the forum are gonna cling to this nonsense forever, so this will get broght up from now until the end of time. which I guess was the point…but that doesn’t make it true.

Here is the addon on Curseforge. By all means, please point out all the cheaty parts.

h ttps://

Anyway, like I said, best of luck. I heard Monster Hunter is pretty cool.

TL;DR: We’re going to keep exploiting matchmaking, even if it drives away the player base we rely on to farm. We’d rather kill the game mode than play fair.


As soon as you started like that, I took what you said as pure rubbish.

It’s not a tin foil hat as you call it. It’s a group that got caught and exposed for the cheating they do.

They grief other players and enjoy it.

I’m going to assume you are part of that group based on your post.


Translation: Exploit or lose because you can’t win fair combat.


Just do what everyone else does when they see a premade. Leave the BG and requeue on an alt. There is no reason to stay in those games.


This has got to be the funniest defense ever, I posted it in another thread so I won’t bother posting it here, however this addon if you look at the CODE on Github you can actually see there are some configurations and advantages. You take a snippet of what is there and try to make that as the be all?

And using an addon to bypass a mechanic built-in (5 player max) queue size to help with countdowns is still a bypass. Go read the code and come back. We can wait :slight_smile:


It doesn’t que for you, it just does a countdown in chat…I’m sorry, you consider that cheating???

Oh no! Numbers in chat, whatever will we do.

Gimme a break.

it doesn’t que for you, it just does a countdown in chat

According to the blue post you guys love to throw around, doesn’t this break the rules?


Numbers in chat breaks the rules?
