To the "NoChanges" Crowd, don't screw up TBC like you screwed up classic

#NoChanges was a shorter and simpler way to say #WeCantTrustActivisionToNotScrewThisUpDontTouchANYTHING.

The playerbase would have gladly accepted #Changes IF it was still Blizzard, but that was the primary reason why we needed Classic in the first place, so it was kind of a rock and a hard place.

No… modern day blizzard can’t be trusted with changes. So no changes.

You’re missing my point. Any tweak to our DPS capabilities will absolutely change our positioning in the grand scheme. Whether we get AP from weapons or a direct weapon damage application or anything else, none of that specifically matters, only that such changes can only make us stronger.

You nuke MCP entirely we lose a ton of DPS. If the changes are intended to compensate for that then we end up with exceptionally high steady-state damage output that likely can exceed whatever inflection point you’re aiming for. Is MCP supposed to be similar to a KT weapon? An AQ Regalia/Armament? BWL weapon? 5man weapon?

These are tuning nightmares, and they only invite more tuning changes for every class. If Swipe scales does Rend get to scale too? What about Thunderclap? Should Paladins get an AP -> SP or SP -> AP talent? Should Shaman like they do in TBC? Should we keep Idols and Totems and Librams as utility bonuses or convert them to straight stats? Do Paladins get a Taunt?

There are millions of QoL improvements for every class that would not only massively improve us in terms of expected usability, but would just make us demigods for the content we’re dealing with, all while constraining us to the very limited gear options currently available.

It just isn’t tenable.

Sorry if I miss spoke, I wasn’t talking about them doing balancing changes in classic, that ship has long set sail and they should have started a LONG time ago.

I was saying that they shouldn’t make that same mistake this time around in TBC and fall into the same trap we have now where it’s min/maxed to the extreme because everyone came in knowing how classes were balanced and unbalanced and knew that blizzard was just going to shove their thumb up their butt when it came to addressing it.

But I am not saying they try and balance Classic now, it is long too late for that.

We’d have it mathed out before the PTR finished. TBC is only Vanilla+ so unless we literally change how everything works, it is a simple matter of me changing coefficients and modifiers and its largely done.

I mean for Cat, I only have to worry about the new underlying equations, I don’t even have to worry about new skills other than Mangle uptime since we don’t even spam it.

For Bear we’re still just spamming Maul and we toss in Mangle when we aren’t Lacerate or Swipe spamming.

We’ll min/max it, find out who is best, how, and why, and here’s the BiS lists, have fun!

For me, I would change a few things like allowing druids paws to scale and allowing chance on hit procs and so on.

Also, I would also create level 70 heroic versions of all the old instances and raids with scaled gear equivalents to expand on the endgame and allow more gear possibilities and such. The theory crafters would have fun with that.

Have plenty of others I had thought of, made a post about it a while back, but thinking on it, I would probably change some of them now. But here they are.

Extended AFK, later man and Happy New Year.