To the good people of emerald dream

i don’t care for your narcissistic ramblings; you’re a middle aged man whose time would be better spent on facebook putting up terrible boomer memes. quite frankly it’s embarassing that you’re at your age and still acting like a 10 year old.

turn on warmode and duel me or orlandeau. nut up or shut up.

no one is harassing you, no one is launching some grand crusade against you. you’re a delusional old man who needs a nap.

if you didn’t care what people think, you wouldn’t be here, thumping your chest about how you’re da man or whatever.

i’m not in some top secret community within emerald dream. i’m a regular emerald dream player. i wonder what other whacky conspiracies you believe.


If you don’t care then why are you posting like a rabid dog frothing at the mouth anytime anyone challenges your made up authority LOL? You remind me of an old saying. Yeah, there’s no conspiracy, says the guy in a guild that’s part of the ED Council that just accidentally happens to be from WRA where my stalker is from who is also on the ED Council. Leave my IRL out if it creepo. You’re kind of stalkery yourself. Gross.

Oh and don’t worry the time is going to come where I’m going to give ample time to throw down. I’ll decide when that is, not you. If you don’t like it, too bad. I don’t care.

the sky is falling!!! the ed council overlords have taken over everything!

I know you and I argue Mord, but dont get banned or something over this idiot.

the post above was my last, from here on i’m done responding to him

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I’m definitely starting to get more < I N F E R N O > vibes now.

You failed. There’s nothing you can do to boot me from the server. You’re powerless to control me. You’ve failed miserably.

I win.



To be totally objective, I think you are going to have a tough time here on Emerald Dream. Not because of the accusations but of how easy you are baited in to these petty arguments.

Emerald Dream identifies as a rppvp server, so if you can’t take the forum pvp, I can’t imagine the first time your guild turns on warmode and gets camped in to the dirt. It might break you.

That is of course you decide to turn warmode on. Also recruiting native EDrs might be tricky if you’re known to stay blue flagged. Good luck.


Imagine being afraid to die in a video game.


It’s been a while, but with the sharding/phasing, and crz is it still easy to find opposing faction members in the world?

I ended up quitting because the implementation of these features pretty much ruined what ED was, at least for me. I go out into the world and mostly find people from other RP servers and not many from ED itself (within the last few days).

So if I wanted to cash in on the bounties, and these guys did flag and enter the world, are my chances hit or miss finding them?

I’m not saying I will bother with them, but bounties have always been fun.

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Only zones that have multiple shards, typically, are current content.

Even so, you will find people, especially if you are playing alliance.

(though things have been dry lately/burnout etc.)

This entire thread is gold.


At this point just report this troll, I’ve seen him spitting hate on everyone on forums lol. He is probably some kiddo who has nothing else to do.

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Tal, it’s Jim. Do you hold GM of SBL currently bro?

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