To the good people of emerald dream


That would be a horrible passcode.

That didn’t answer the question. I don’t know. So why?

already told you. because i can and because i want to. placing bounties is emerald dream culture

So why in your initial post did you say “you know why”? what are we supposed to know?

You’re from WRA? That explains everything right there. That’s the same server as where my stalker is from. Coincidence? I think not. Of course you’ll refute that, blah blah blah, blah blah blah. It’s also amusing that the stalker is in the ED Council discord, with… her friends! :slight_smile: Oh and of course you have nothing to do with the ED Council at all. No nothing whatsoever.

Nice guild tag by the way. This little gem was sent to me by someone in the ED Discord. It’s a list of the guilds that are part of the ED Council.


Blademasters of Durotar
Bloodsworn Command
Dawn of Azeroth
Desolate Commissariat
Division VII
Fox Hole
Frost Reaver Clan
Geargrind Salt Mines LLC
Ironsworn Regiment
Quickfuse Cartel
Redwood Tribe
Shadowborne Company
The Syndicate
Terran Empire


Ashen Vale
Blood Templars
Clan Battlehammer
Coldridge Company
The Guard
The Hounds
Kill Order
Kul Tiras Marines
Monocled Ruffians
Order of the Sun
The Pack
Remnants of Hope
Salty Sea Doggos
Vigilante Nocturno

Coincidence, naaaah.

By the way I’m in the game right now… on the Emerald Dream server… playing… having fun.


lol you’re clearly reaching for something and it’s hilarious

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My bow may only match 90% but it’s only up cause of the quiver.

That’s right, all huntards have quiver envy since they got rid of that feature. QUIVER LIFE!

i’m from the same server so clearly i’m working with whoever you’re talking about? man, you’re paranoid. i largely kept to myself on wra and didn’t really rp there either. i transferred here at the beginning of the year. i have no idea about who you’re talking about.

i’m not even in the ed council, let alone the discord. i don’t rp so i’m not interested in their events. just because my guild is in the council doesn’t mean i have any part to do with it. you can ask anyone in that discord and they can confirm for themselves that i’m not in it.

you’re delusional bro. feel free to turn on warmode so i can proceed to mock you further

The lady doth protest too much

you have no right to talk when your guild uniform is that horrendous

Everyone in my guild and everyone else shut yer cake hole.

Puke green dress and dried up fruit mogs are trying to have a conversation here.

So rude.

if your puke is that color please see a doctor

That descriptor was most likely directed at your own mog.

whose idea was it to put high rez toons in low poly gear

you look like a walking cheese

yall are so concerned about people ruining your reputation when you do it all for yourselves

The idea was to have a uniform that was color appropriate to our theme, but have the pieces be easily obtainable by low level players, since we are a low key RP guild that welcomes everyone even if they aren’t top tier players. That is the base uniform, which I usually stick to so as to display it for the lower level players and so they don’t feel out of place. We have other variants that use some of the newer gear.

shut up american cheddar the adults are talking

wow…I post an answer to your question that is informative and polite and look at the response I get.

wow i post a bounty and look at the response i get

thinly veiled threats of being reported to the FBI for cyber harassing or whatever

get a grip and go back to moon guard

well, given we have been the victims of ongoing cyber harassment for a while now it was a reasonable conclusion to reach, especially considering your guild’s association with the very people doing the harassment.