To the Devs

I have asked several times for help and several times you have not responded. I have no in-game audio. As you can see by my previous threads, I have exhausted many efforts in trying to find a solution.

There’s no point in me playing a game that I can’t hear.
–I can’t fish, there’s no bobber splash to que me in.
–I can’t hear warnings, there’s nothing to que me during during battles

I was SOOO excited about BC but I’m not enjoying the game in it’s current state and consider it not playable.

Can you please acknowledge the issue?

In the settings are they enabled?
This would be for game only?

Forums are not guaranteed responses.

Tickets are.

File a ticket.


Dallua, I’m not being harsh. Given that the WoW client clearly works for many, many people I think this is an issue with your box rather than with WoW.

Maybe call Geek Squad?


As mentioned, the forum does not function as a queue for answers. The technical support staff (not developers) read many threads, but they cannot read them all. Instead, this is a place for players to work through issues that are within their control – supported by volunteers, community, and sometimes the staff.

Lots of players have tried to help you, but you haven’t responded to some of the suggestions in your previous thread. I realize this is frustrating, but this is not a hot topic in the forum. That tells us that the issue is likely something to do with the sound processing on the monitor or your personal setup of the computer.

Since duplicate threads are not allowed in this forum, please either continue working in the previous thread, file a ticket as suggested above by Zungar, or do both. While configuring your sound settings isn’t something Blizzard directly supports (like crashing and disconnecting), maybe they have other ideas to suggest.


I can’t take you or your post seriously with a response like this. Don’t treat people like this. I’m too good for this as are you as well.

Uninstalling Nvidia seems to have resolved the issue. I don’t play retail so it most likely won’t be an issue. I’ll have to wait for Blizzard & Nvidia to catch up with current technology.

to the devs the old bliz use to be with the people the new devs dont give a sh t what players want they force us to do it if we want it or not = bs and we need new devs problem solved

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old bliz … use to be … with the people … the new players want they force us to do it … if we want it and we need it …
All we need is love love love …

There OP fixed that for you…

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You say this but you post in a way that is directly spoken against in the blue thread at the top of the forum. You might want to take your own advice and do better.

Using the words “Blizzard,” “Blue,” or any community team members’ names in a thread topic is frowned upon.

  • Everyone would like Blizzard to read and acknowledge his or her post, and we understand that; however, use of such words in the subject line does not help that come to pass. Please make your thread title relevant to the post subject. Threads violating this guideline are subject to deletion.

I have no idea what you are talking about, apparently neither do you. Placing you on ignore as your purpose in both times I’ve encountered you appear to be combative rather than to serve as helpful.

That’s unfortunate for this case, since it’s just a summary from a volunteer perspective and advice on what to do next.

Thank you for confirming the issue was with the system setup, maybe it will help someone else.