To the 60 Priest who camped lvl 30's and was almost killed by them in the only fair fight

You are on our list, see you at 60 big boy. keyboard turning, s keying. We see what horde are made of here.


By The Holy Light

Oh dang pvp happened on a pvp server! call the cops!


Well there wasnt any childish drama until these halfwit school children Xfers arrived. Now they are all trying to camp or getting mad because they died trying to camp. Its really the Xfers from both factions, THEM. What we really need is an addon to dog tag these halfwit locusts for when they decide to Xfer again, people need fair warning.

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what we need is the let this halariousness happen, ally on this server have been too cocky for their own good and now it’s blowing up in their face.

It’s nice to see trash-talking on the Earthfury forum.

It’s depressing that anyone would consider a level 60 griefing/camping lowbies as “PvP”, but then again seeing as you’re both undead and a priest it’s not surprising, lacking both honor and nobility, as expected.

whats depressing is you rolled on a pvp server knowing full well thats how things are on them, and still when it happens you go on the forums to make a post about it, your just at petty as the rest of the allys on this server and I think its funny.

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By The Holy Light


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sorry my the English I speak as a my 3ed language isn’t up to your standards, but my logic is flawless, and all I can say is bring it i’ll rek you like I do every other ally I encounter

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NO one like the grammar police, they don’t even like their own company.

Speaking of the grammar police, it’s “likes.” No one “likes” the grammar police.

You’re welcome. =)