To Supplement Priest Kick

After returning to the game after a hiatus I see some cool class changes but still, no Priest kick. We get it you really don’t want priests to have a kick. I’ve had a spell idea floating around in my head for quite some time and I figured I’d actually write it down for the heck of it.

Angelic Memory 1:30 Cooldown
Infuses target with Angelic Memory for 10 seconds
if target has interrupted a spell while aura is active
reduces the cooldown on that interrupt by 100% for the next
10 seconds.

Basically if Blizzard doesn’t want to give healing Priests an interrupt then this would be a fun, thematic and interactive spell to give an extra kick to a party member every 1:30.

Without commenting on the proposed ability itself, Blizzard will not give priest a fun, thematic, and interactive spell. Blizzard said they really like how interactive priests are in PW:GFY but, in practice, priest is one of the least interactive classes in the whole game. Just take a look:

Angelic Feather: Theoretically extremely interactive, but priest mobility is so terrible that it is almost exclusively used for personal mobility. Blizzard knows this but, instead of addressing the problem, they shoved the solution into the oracle tree.

Body and Soul: Only interacts with allies as discipline, and even then it’s rarely taken due to its placement in the terrible class tree and is never used to provide movement speed to allies because every other class has a superior option if mobility is needed.

Leap of Faith: Theoretically very interactive, but priest’s terrible mobility means that it is usually used only on other priest or on a player that made a huge mistake, and so is used maybe once per encounter/raid/dungeon if we’re being extremely generous or, if we’re being real, not at all for most players. Also strictly worse than its child, Rescue, which has a much shorter cooldown and gives incentive for regular use even if the movement isn’t needed.

Power Infusion: Not fun and not interactive, though I recognize that’s just an opinion. Give it some audio/visual feedback to make it feel cool to buff your friend and then we can start talking.

Time Spiral/Blessing of the Bronze: Uniquely provides no value to priests.

Wind Rush Totem: Priest is not alone in receiving zero value from Wind Rush Totem, but it is one of a minority of classes that receive no value from it.

Stampeding Roar: Same as Wind Rush Totem, but priest does receive minor benefit from Stampeding Roar.

Not only does priest itself have an extremely slim list of abilities that are interactive with allies, they’re not strong enough to be used regularly or must be used exclusively by the priest to shore up its anemic kit. What’s more is that priest receives less interaction from other classes than every other class in the game due to its mobility being supplemented by group cooldowns less than every other class in the game.


Gotta say that i get it from pve perspective, but even there healing priests were gods in m+.
Recently played some solo shuf and blitz and theres absolutely no way priest should get an dispersion nor silence…theyre completely fine without it and i would even come as far as saying that other healers should get the kicks trimmed. Especialy for pvp.

And this is why priest needs a ground-up redesign for its core kit if Blizzard won’t take away kicks from other healers. Blizzard has acknowledged that priest’s kit is strong enough in PvP to merit the removal of Shining Force and not returning any other abilities to the class in Dragonflight when every other class got a handful or more of abilities back. Priest was the only class that gained nothing by the biggest expansion of player power in the history of the game (or maybe second after MOP?) purely because of PvP concerns.

Healer priest not having a kick was just fine until Dragonflight when every other healer got a kick and Silence’s cooldown has always been a joke in PvE, but it got worse in TWW because the cast cooldowns turns every kick into Silence with half to a quarter of the cooldown.

Hey now, I use it on others when running back from a wipe… Lol

It’s mainly only used on myself in combat, which backs up your point.

I rofled too hard at this xD

Really do wish priest would get kick. I will never understand why it’s the only class to not have it.

It would make sense if all healer specs didn’t have it anymore. It would make sense if maybe ONE healer class got it as a unique strength. But for every other healer to have the option except for one is just completely wild.

I don’t even think kicks are necessary as people think. They won’t ever make or break a class - especially as you get better at dungeons, you’ll find players that kick well, you’ll build comps that make up for the loss and you’ll do fine. But it’s still just really a tough situation for people who are in that casual-core audience who just casually want to dip their toes into endgame. There’s really no reason for priests to not have the option at all.