To Night Elf Fans

I really hope she isn’t in Ardenweald. I’d like to be able to enjoy my druid content without Tyrande spitting at my feet every time I turn in a quest like in Val’Sharah.


::He would look to Valsharrah and lament.::

Oh nooo, dude. The Horde owes a billion souls to Bwonsamdi. The second the Horde frees them, then they’re double damned to De Udda Side.

I know exactly what Blizzard’s doing.

Well we can kill Bwansamdi too as far as I’m concerned. Hell, it would certainly benefit Talanji if we did.



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Yes. I mean this is a battle against WoW’s afterlife, might as well clean up shop while we are at it!

Oh Jesus come on Blizzard. We don’t like being whiny douchebags but you’re not leaving us many options.


You absolutely will because Blizzard doesn’t care about the Horde and only uses it to push the Alliance forward. We just constantly lose characters.

Last I check, all our playable races still have a faction leader and the Horde are down at least 4 racial leaders since WoW started.

Zerde, I’m Horde. I only play Alliance because blue DK pvp armor and the forsaken model is really god awful.

  1. There is no way I can possible know that 2) then let reframe this entire conversation. The Alliance and Horde have been used to push each other’s stories forward. Like it or not, one or the other has been used to push great changes to the structure of the other.

Stop trying to kill off what little lore Trolls have left.


Tyrande is going to have a “major” role in Ardenweald. Placing bets now on her being the target of an Elite kill quest “”“recommended”"" for 2 or more players.

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Either that or she will be used to show how great the horde is once again in the cost of night elf fans.

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I hope that means we go there to free them and resurrect them.

You know, in a way I’m glad Trolls either get a bone thrown their way sometimes or server as a filler raid.

The alternative looks much, much worst.

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If she was a villain we would leave her in the maw lol
the PC has to save her from the maw for her to even get to the weald

It’s their way of showing they have not forgotten the Big Tree…or Sylvanas’s biggest single act of murder.

Night elf fans


The half of the Alliance that aren’t Human Paladins.

Pretty sure that’s the Void elves. Not sure who still likes night elves anymore.