To new ppl complaining about numbers n classes

If youve been in the twinking brackets before youd know about this but basically youre a lvl 70 twink rn and everythings busted untill ww1 actually releases. Stuffs going to be busted (like lvl 85 assa rogues in bfa) and some people just arent going to die (dw souldrinker fury ww spam with tiny abom). Also let twinks free btw i want to dust off my toons and olay them as well >>>>:(

Its going to be like this every prepatch




I lose brain cells every time I read one of your post.


I mean don’t think I’ve seen a preparch where some talents for several specs were just not working at all.

Or where some classes have talents trees from the 1st patch update of beta and won’t get their final beta tree till TWW releases, or some where the releases talent is actually the bugged iteration patch instead of the one that was fixed. Or you just won’t get you’re new tree till the expansion.

As of now is best to think currently if you’re playing any of the classes just have a mindset that until they release the next expansion you are now playing beta with possibly bugged talents.




Implying you had any to begin with :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :smiley:


Lol gottem!

Best prepatch in awhile. Dh isnt absolutely oppressive and broken, and i can ignore warriors in blitz. Not to shabby.

back in mop i hit a 160k bite on a mage that had 16k hp good times

cool buddy ne1 ask

I just hope they fix the dk aoe ams talent or im rerolling to warrior XD

No clue what the original poster said, but I agree.

Time to find another class to play other than spriest in these blitz brawls.

It’s not the most ideal class for those situations where you need to 1v1 or 2v2 a node. Too many classes easily counter it. The two off the top of my head are fuy warrior and boomkin. So many times I went to take a node solo and a boomkin shredded me

Fury warrior for sure, but sp out damages and out heals boomy by a mile???

You coulve said dk, ret, even ele shaman, but boomy?? Brother, you need to upload some vods of your gameplay so we can help you out, because you’re losing 1v1s that are impossible to lose.

buddy ill take wat ur smokin boomy owns shadow


Yea, if I see the boomkin ahead of time all is fair.

But that is not the case the majority of the time.

And many times, when I’m trying to cap the node, he comes out of stealth with a cyclone and caps it himself. And my CC break trinket isn’t always available so don’t go there.

Maybe I’ll start using holy nova a bit more when near a node. Haven’t really thought of that. Might get lucky and uncover the boomies a few times.

I still need to give feral a fair try. I sent him like 30 of those crates, so he should have a good set unless he has a few unlucky rolls LOL.

I’m not the best player by any means and I will acknowledge that I’m heavily biased because I only play unholy BUT.

If dk damage gets put in line and spellwarden (targeted ams) got the cd reduction removed i think it’s actually fine. For one as of rn your army of pets eats the lesser ams anyways like we were talking about

But opting to not have AMS for yourself and use it as a stop for your team is way cooler for the game and gives unh a modern kit imo. It’s getting something to actually trade and help the team besides amz (not spectacular) and grip blind.

It has decent depth because you’re trading off making yourself vulnerable and using it for the osmosis effect to pally sac and stop a go/force a swap or as a cc immune for your healer about to get polied.

It’s good for dk to be more than a damage disruption bot, all that said the damage should get brought in line with other melee, but then again we aren’t lvl 80 yet

So we acknowledge that you win the 1v1, this is good!

Sure, but that’s any stealth class in an rbg, no?
Would you expect a stealth class to not be in stealth?? Also, if you know there’s a guy in stealth, why are you running at a node where you can be cc capped? And if you don’t recognize that, you need to watch the map more!
This is basic rbg 101 :slight_smile:

If you’re getting capped on by clone alone, why arent you fading it or silencing or stun into cap and silence + fear trinket into cap?

You’re just not playing the MU correctly.

r u n kennie the same person u got a wow guide next to u

Nah, but I am lvling a vulpera through timewalking!

No, but it’s important to talk about those things, because most players don’t realize what mistakes they’re making or they wouldn’t make them!

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Nerf ret range damage

Nuff said