To Horde Looking to Unlock Mechagnomes

Such great news!!! Blizz is finally unbiased, time to celebrate

Whelp. Looks like felsaviors going to be a gross night elf again for awhile. I wont be able to grind out the quest chain, including the dungeon, by 8.3.

f you’re exalted on any character (even horde), you’ll qualify for the unlock quest. But the unlock quest line must be completed by a max-level alliance character.

Why wouldn’t it work like Void Elves and the other Legion AR’s? This isn’t bias or anything, it’s just common sense.

In legion there were ways to get rep for AR regardless of faction.

Right now there is no way to get Voldun without changing faction. Would be unfair for horde not to have the same restriction.

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Don’t faction change so quickly. I’ve heard conflicting info on this now. I’m gonna wait until 8.3 to make sure I really do need the achieve on Alliance.

IDK, but I think that quote you posted was a tweet and it was followed up by another tweet that sounded like you do need The Mech Threat on an Alliance character.

Oh I’m going to try on launch day for 8.3 but if I cant on my warrior (I’ll unlock mechagon on her just in case) I’ll faction change Felsavior who has all the needed achievements. Wouldnt be the first time I did it for an allied race :man_shrugging:

A friend linked me to the site I posted, my quote was from there.

The tweet just referenced the Mechagon zone intro questline as having been completed. Not the entire Mechagon questline. There is a difference. The intro bit should literally be, just that, the intro bit that unlocks the daily activity and quests.

I mean, it makes sense considering both Factions have been in contact with the Mechagomes. Just like both Factions were in contact with the Army of the Light, Argussian Reach, Nightfallen and Highmountain. I can understand why some Alliance players are upset over Vulpera but the requirements to unlock them have literally been known for months and even if you just did the Emissary, you’d basically be Exalted, considering the 15th anniversary rep buff and whatnot.

Ultimately, if it does end up needing the entire questline done on an Alliance character, I’ll get it when I get it. But as of yet, my Alliance hasn’t touched Mechagon, hell I haven’t even logged onto her since finishing the Bee grind. Though I really don’t see this as being right, considering the questlines are literally identical for both Horde and Alliance.

Yes, but since when do Horde players care about things being fair and balanced for Alliance players? :stuck_out_tongue: