To Horde Looking to Unlock Mechagnomes


Why should Horde get to unlock a cross faction AR by playing on their Horde.


You mean other than the fact that the first four ARs worked that way?


Because they did.

They were Legion content.

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I assumed it was the case, that was why my human mage got it :stuck_out_tongue:

Does that mean you’d be OK with Horde being able to unlock them in Shadowlands or does “it’s old content, doesn’t count” only apply when it suits you?


No, probably more the “this content was originally designed for both factions to be something that both sides could get exalted with, so no reason to lock it.”

Like, I know you guys are mad we got the bee mount, but don’t go pan handling for a free cross faction AR just because Blizz let us both do this single one together this expac.

It’s legion content. Getting exalted was trivial enough that you could do it with multiple characters, just using the table missions.

I mean, if we had gotten a good AR like the Ankoan, we wouldn’t even be having this discussion.


Why should Mechagnome unlock be different than Vulpera unlock? We alliance do not have the option of farming Voldunai rep unless we earn it on a Horde character, whats good for the goose and all that.


Do you want to play with alliance trash?
A good opportunity to get used to the way Blizzard treats the blue faction.
Then begin to pass the indignities with a smile on your lips.

Welcome to the side that always gets what it deserves.

Have mercy

honestly if it was ankoan i wouldn’t be mad, id totally grind again

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which is BS, pure unadulterated BS. I do NOT want to do anything rep related again. definitely not THAT rep, ever again. why the hell is that allie-only quest gated behind rep???

…oh wait, i saw the magic word: gated. blizz loves to gate things. totally improves the experience, i heard. I was ready to do an instance, blizz, an instance! In order to unlock these things and you know how much I bloody hate running instances. :angry:

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Because Ankoan weren’t a rep both Horde and Alliance could get exalted with, duh. :smiley:

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Oh look, there’ll be even less people playing diaper-gnomes.

I’m not complaining.

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The fact their leg armor looks like a diaper was such a huge turn off.

it is the only race i will never unlock, happily for me i find them disgusting.

Now there will be even less mechagnomes.


Since the announcement of MG AR’s I found all this information out already. It’s gonna be a pain in the rear to get my Alliance alt-main to revered, but I’ll do it for the sake of making the ultimate engineer.

Good luck to everyone.

I mean, I had to grind vulpera rep on a horde character…so yep.

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