To GMs of Small guilds looking for a change

I am the GM of Rebirth and I am reaching out to GMs of Smaller guilds that are looking for a change. One of the great benefits of small guilds is the tight nit communities however the biggest downfall is trying to get enough people online to do content with. It can make the guild feel dead.

Rebirth that is a very tight nit group of friends that has built a WOW Family. We are looking to add more casual members from Non Raiders to people who want to get into raiding. From people who just want to level alts and run dungeons, to people who want to run BGs.

I can tell you personally I am looking to start tanking on my level 18 Warrior and I enjoy dungeons. I am also looking to get my hunter to level 19 here in a few months and do BGs with him. If we sound like something you been looking for lets chat a bit and see if your group joining us would be a good fit.

You can contact me in the following 3 ways, on Discord HelzBelz#0716 or HelzBelz#1314 on BNet or in game Helzbelz. Discord the H and B are caps.