To clarify; the Dracthyr CAN wear armor? They can transmog normal Mail armor?

My impression was that the Drakthyr form had a mix between transmog and barber shop. I don’t recall exactly, but I want to say shoulders, belt, and tabard are mog (maybe helm?). But then there are half a dozen barber shop customization aspects.

I’m expecting it to be like the Mechagnomes, it’s likely not to be the full Mail type armor appearance due to their customization.

Would definitely like them to release more info though.

The problem is, just due to the nature of how WoW is designed, we KNOW they aren’t going to “add new appearances unlocked through gameplay” if it’s tied to the Barbershop. Blizzard isn’t going to pay artists to make new armor-sets, and then ALSO make ADDITIONAL sets that are custom-tailored ONLY to the Dracthyr.

The armor they showed looked excellent. No complaints. But it’s just going to get kind of old after a couple of years, when you’re looking at the SAME designs.

And that’s nothing against Blizzard; even the COOLEST armor sets in the game, after a while you’re going to just get bored with. I still think the DK Tier 10 is their best set of armor, but I have to change it up after a while.

But I worry when they’re designing something that is going to have a shelf-life, and they’re pretending it doesn’t. If they weren’t going to let us change this stuff, then I don’t understand wind they wouldn’t have just made them ACTUAL dragons.

Like… why make us humanoid lizard-people, if we’re not going to be able to wear armor anyways?

No we didn’t? By all means show any pictures of Dracthyr in draconic form wearing “recognizable armor sets”.

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I was under the impression that they could wear boots, gloves, shoulders, chest, and belt as actual mog.

Sort of like how Mechagnomes can only mog certain slots.

all this complaining u can tell no boomie or spriest mains here

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These aren’t dragons. People need to stop equating them as such. Dracthyr visage form does NOT exist for them to turn into a mortal. They’re an experiment of combined mortal races and Aspect magic.

And I wasn’t talking about something that wasn’t even available yet. :woman_shrugging:t4:

Also, it says this, which lines up with what they originally told us:

This is just a sampling of the variety of options that players will have at their fingertips to create their Dracthyr Evoker

They said they might look into it later on, after people asked for it. But no, that wasn’t the original design.

Well, there you go, they use Aspect magic to turn into a mix of two of the mortal races in their DNA.

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They are also wearing helms and anklets? in the picture on wowhead this morning. Oh and some of them have pierced wings lol.

Incorrect. Those races didn’t even exist over 10,000 years ago.

They’re an amalgamation of Troll, Tauren, Vrykul, Night Elf and possibly primitive Humans, if Neltharion though the first throwaway babies from the Vrykul were worth it.

This is the issue with the visage form. It either shouldn’t exist, as Maloriak was similar and never turned into a mortal, or it needs to be a unique model, because current Humans and Blood Elves didn’t even exist back then.

yea I tried to find on wowhead what pieces show up but they dont have a DF area yet and couldnt find it

Sorry; I wasn’t clear on my response (I only JUST realized how the “quote” function works on the forums now, I forget about it all the time).

What I mean is, it’s not the same situation as when the WORGEN were first shown. A lot of people were unhappy with their initial appearance, and we weren’t quite sure how their “human form” was going to function.

But we DID know they were going to wear armor, just like any other race. Because THEY were shown wearing recognizable armor sets.

Obviously, that isn’t the case with the Dracthyr. They’re wearing armor we’ve never seen before, so we can ONLY speculate.

The armor itself looks great, I don’t think anyone would really deny that. The problem is that, if it is indeed Barbershop-only, then that means they don’t get cool new Class-sets to unlock. They don’t get to do Transmog-runs (which is an even greater shame, since only two classes even WEAR Mail armor, so those could keep players busy for months). And a HUGE amount of the fun of playing WoW is when you get into those new Raids, being able to get that cool new armor to show off.

It’s unusual that Blizzard hasn’t address the topic AT ALL. If I were a casual player, I would very likely ASSUME that they get to wear full transmogs just like anyone else. And it’s possible that COULD be the case now; we just don’t know, because Blizzard won’t tell us.

I have a shadow priest and it definitely feels like mogging is a waste. lol Also makes me not want to play the character. :frowning:

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Barbershop only is so dumb that I just can’t believe Blizzard would do that.

Who knows though…

Technically, it’s the opposite of Worgen. Worgen start out as a Gilnean human and then are cursed to turn into their worgen form. (Unless they removed all that with the new starting zone? I haven’t actually rolled a new worgen since then.)

Dracthyr were created in draconic form by Neltharion, went into stasis along with the Dragon Isles for 10,000 years, and will eventually learn how to shapeshift into humanoid form, probably as part of their starting zone where they make contact with other races and want to fit in or communicate with them more easily (the same way full dragons like Alexstrasza, Ysera, Kalecgos, and Chromie have humanoid forms).

The humanoid form will probably be able to wear all the same armor as any other character (although like other horned races and DHs, some helmets will probably look strange).

Also note that the screenshots released today show the draconic form “armor” color-coordinated with the wearer, which given the number of colors would be really difficult to do with normal armor. (Yes, there are sets that come in multiple tints, but not THAT many.)

That’s why I think the draconic form probably won’t be able to wear much normal gear, but you’ll still be able to transmog freely in humanoid form.

This is wrong. Their visage form was specifically said to be the amalgamation of the essences of all the mortals the Aspect magic was combined with. It’s part of the experiment. I’ve explained this at least twice now.