To celebrate K-POP at Blizzcon - New Transmogs?

Let us show our love for K-POP!! I really want low cut tee shirts and baggy cut up pants as a transmog. FFXIV does this a lot with their shop items. You could add a Le Sserafim celebration package to the shop with a couple of our girls favorite looks during Korean Fashion Week.

사랑을 보내는!!!


lets hope not.


Pandaren streamer look. I never knew how badly I wanted it.


omg they should do a K-POP style concert at Darkmoon faire. Get rid of the storm earth and fire thing no one likes.

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this sounds fun
i say yes
k fashion is gold


It truly is the best. It beats NY fashion WEAK any day.

And xmogs for all the past BlizzCon concerts right?

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The last page WoW needs to take from FFXIV’s rulebook is their gear/mog design philosophy. Even a good chunk of people in XIV despise having to see traditional fantasy next to modern outfits, and it’s arguably a staple of that series. I think I would carve my eyes out if I had to see a Tauren in a sweatshirt.


Yes, we can always use more skimpy mogs!

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please no. kpop is awful.


no. /10char


Umm…are you okay? Jeez. And there already is jeans and sweatshirts in this game.

Not updated models tho. We need new ones in the trading post. Short skirts and cut off jeans please!!

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A benefit concert in Pandaria to clean up the Vale.

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The goblins will handle all the collections at this Vale benefit concert.

The Puma collab had my jaw dropping.

It made the Cup Noodle promo actually look like it broke less immersion.

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Alisaie wears it well. Also Urianger gets to have something nice.

WoL tryin’ to look thug though lolololololol

EDIT: Did NOT see the Fat Cat motif, good save. I like it.

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I came to wow in wrath because it was a Warhammer inspired fantasy RPG of my dreams. It was hardcore and gruesome and violent and perfect.
Every day I see takes like this it pushes me further away and it’s disheartening.
I am astonished at how many people want to turn WoW into a Roblox/sim game.
I’m even more astonished that the devs seem to lean that way also.


You’ve gone too far now.


Oh come on, WoW’s always been Lighter-and-Softer than Warhammer’s ever been. Plenty of on-trend jokes and wall breaks.

If you’re looking for raw grimdark, this ain’t it.