Hi Blizzard!
If you are into creating new content, I have a suggestion!
I cannot find a game anywhere that’s simply exploration… specifically World Travel. It would be perfect during these times, or for those who have never been able to travel for whatever reason. What a fun way to see locations of the world!
I’m not talking virtual reality with a big hunky headset, or watching videos of locations… I’m talking a game just like WoW (graphics, character movement, etc.).
Imagine seeing the Taj Mahal or walking inside the Vatican or thru the streets of the Old City of Jerasulem or seeing St. Basil’s Cathedral in Moscow or even walking thru Disneyland or Disney World (oooh, that’s another idea… a game with nothing but amusement parks)! Well… you get my point!
Thanks for reading!
P.S. Does anyone know of anything out there like this… a casual game of exploration, or amusement parks now that I bring that up?