To anyone who says BFA has content

The content in BFA is limited, and if not boring. The effort =/= the reward in this expansion.

  • Island Expedition loot drops are still atrocious and I’ve still not gotten anything beyond a single pet. Anything else I’ve gotten was through friends and the AH.
  • Heart of Azeroth grinding is one of the worst systems as it does not reward anything worth it.
  • Warmode is skewed by the phase you join. I happen to still get screwed even with the 30% bonus.
  • Invasions are repetitive and only good for reputation grinds.
  • Warfronts are repetitive gear grinds that are only good for gearing up alts.

The game offered nothing new. No world PVP zone like Tol Barad or Wintergrasp. No new mechanics or unique things to do. The world quests are nothing unique as its just a repeat of quests we’ve already done.

Battle for Azeroth is a flop. It offers nothing new. It failed to be interesting, and the sooner we leave this expansion; the better.


That’s how I felt about WoD. New content = Ashran bleghhhhh BGs weren’t fun because the team with more geared players won (not like this expansion where with scaling being better, low geared players can keep up with damage) I find BfA far better than that

Doing M+with guildies is my favorite. Random BGs, Island Expedition, WPvP and doing pug raids.

Warfronts were just good for the first time.

What expansion added content without reward? Vanilla offered exploration, still there every time a new expansion comes out, but there has never been anything that doesn’t give some sort of reward.

I remember many wpvp battles at Crossroads… TMvsSS… STV at the arena… wpvp didn’t offer rewards and those were some of the most fun times

WPvP only offers rewards to half of the people now, and its once a week. WPvP is the same thing it’s always been. Also, as soon as the honor system was released, you received progress toward your next rank for any PvP you did.

Oh definitely not. Server rivalry was far better than CRZ, let’s phase a raid into your area.

And yet you were rewarded just the same. Rivalry or not, the topic of discussion is reward, and that is what I am referring to.

I was rewarded good pvp battles. I didn’t wpvp for any reward. My point is you can have fun without rewards, and the most fun I remember in the game didn’t have any but a good time

That isn’t the point, I don’t do the storylines for rewards, but I still get them.

Yeah, maybe that is the problem. It’s the same thing over again so why even bother adding a new expansion when it offers nothing new? I bet if they “developed” bfa for another year it would have turned into a better experience for everyone. It was pushed out too early just to meet a deadline.

I didn’t get rewards for wpvp, which is my point. Fun does not have to = rewards.

There is a weekly reward, and you get honor points. The question wasn’t what do you do for fun, it was what content does not offer rewards.

Yes, now it does. And it’s not even close to the same as it was years ago.

You’re dancing around the entire point of the OP, and failing to provide an answer to the question. It doesn’t matter how small, or how new, there is no content that doesn’t offer rewards, and there never has been.

I understand what you are saying. The same has been said for every expansion that has been released for WoW.

From my personal experience… I started playing WoW shortly after vanilla released. I played it a TON through Vanilla - Rogue up till C’thun Wipes/Spider wing naxx. Then they announced TBC and the new level cap. I got a little upset that all my hard work was for naught, but I got TBC and kept playing.

After TBC, WOTLK came out, and I decided again I’d keep playing. After about 4 months of WOTLK I just ran out of stuff to do. I had 10 80’s, multiple 2k+ arena teams, and I was so burnt out on raiding I didn’t even want to do it. (even tho there were many new things added during WOTLK) Guess what I did? Quit playing.
I did not play again till BFA released. Now that I am back I have all of these things to do and tons of content (even old content that I was so tired of doing like BG’s are now super fun again)

I believe you may be going through the cycle I did in which I just burnt myself out.

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Wpvp didn’t offer rewards. Maybe kills. And it was the most fun before CRZ. There was no conquest points that people were just there to collect like now.

All those kills added up to ranks, which correlated to better gear.

Previous PvP gear sets

World of Warcraft (Level 60)

Prior to the first expansion battlegrounds were the only method of obtaining PvP gear.

When 60 was the max level, wpvp was just for that. So it’s going way back, but wpvp was just as fun then with no rewards.

Battlegrounds for sure. Maybe wpvp in smaller doses

That’s about it.

But people will absolutely pvp for no gear reward. The thrill of victory, the agony defeat

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