To anyone playing on Herod:

You say that like it’s a bad thing.

High queue times = lots of people interested in the game

No queue times = we get to play the game faster

It’s a win/win really.


I sincerely do not believe queue times will be too bad. It’s just authentication bottleneck, not waiting for an actual spot on the server.

Having played on a pretty low pop server in vanilla, I’m looking forward to the crowds!

Ima watch prn…

Herod will be the place to be after the hype

It’s your boy, Herod! Good luck!

Herod is going to be the most hyped server because:

-No streamers



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You took a wrong turn amigo. Thalnos is where you belong.

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Herod is for Heroes!

Herod is also an anagram of Horde, therefore it is the best server.


I’ve played MMO launches where I was in queues for 15+ hours, this isn’t even a challenge.

It’s all good, it’s worth it… It’ll calm down with time when the weak die out

How did you get 6 names when we are only allowed 3?

multiple accounts

should be fun lol. if it can top BFA wpvp warmode 40man raids clashing into eachother in voldun thatd be pretty dope. i literally stayed in those groups for hours in a battle of attrition til i got bored, and was utterly satisfied afterwards

It’s fine. Classic and it’s content isn’t going anywhere, we’re here for good. We put up with queue times now for the benefit of having a super lively community when tourists leave. The highest pop will likely be the last server standing in years to come.

No chance of me complaining on release … Now @ phase 2 when this layering supposedly goes away and we still have massive Q’s because someone thought the population would drop off so rapidly and releasing only 11 servers was a good idea …

Then I may complain slightly …

Same i run netflix or twitch right next to my monitor on my xbox. Cant believe i used to play wow without a tv nearby.

Let the s***show begin… herod better not die out because im ready for some wpvp!!!

There wont be queue times. There will be lots of “omg layering is ruining the game” posts.

Because the internet has some finite ability at some point.

If too many people are in any portion of the internet it has issues.