I run as Tank along with a Resto Druid friend. We run dungeons frequently, almost nightly. I want you to know that I will never pick you Warriors if there are other DPS classes to choose from. Every time I do, you want to zug zug as if you are the tank. You make a smooth run chaotic. Now, I know there are those of you Warriors that stay in your role. I’m sorry you have to be punished for bad players. Just want to let you know why you stay in LFG for long periods of time. Someone will want you :).
social medea was a misteak
Yea tbh most warriors I meet have some serious smooth brain energy.
Then they ask why the healers drinking so much lmao
Where’s that doofy elf to remind us that the Best Possible Version of WoW is the one where Warriors are the only class that is designed to tank (lol and they dont even want to lol)?
Yeah when I tank Vanilla dungeons I don’t take Rogues (It’s like 50% of the DMs every time) and I usually don’t run a Warrior. I like Battle Shout but OP is 100% correct about how every pug Warrior is.
I’m assuming most of the people who rolled Warrior think of themselves as a DPS, a “Rogue in Plate” if you will. That Warriors can tank and are the best raid tanks is of no interest. I don’t mind these folks not getting groups, as mean as that sounds.
I’m going to keep it , bear tanking is easy, and there is nothing wrong with that.
Warrior tanking is not straight forward in leveling dungeons. The tips and tricks to scoop up a large number of mobs, getting initial threat, when to taunt, how to manage rage and all the rest of it is really an experience thing that doesn’t come without tanking a lot for different groups - without tanking for reckless yolo groups - tanking for people who want the dungeon to be over in 5 minutes. That’s how you git gud, and stop worrying about it and that’s scary to people who are new but it’s the best way.
Glad you are enjoying your bear.
Nice blog post
If you can’t keep threat off a dps warrior that’s all you have to say
That is why the Warrior should be the one tanking. No Bear or Paladin is keeping up with a sweeping strikes/whirlwind opener and no one sits on threat anymore.
It’s the attitude.
/10char lol
Don’t worry, as a warrior tank I point these clowns out too when they are in LFG “Looking for tank”.