To all you hunter's out there

I think it’s pretty sick how about the rest of you hunter players.

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Watch them make the set a monthly trading post gift completion.

Useless for most class and boring like this month’s.

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As a non hunter I hope many blood elves use this set so I can target them over and over. I will ignore everyone else in pvp and target them specifically because of my shadowlands brainrot.


I will get it. And I will wear it if only to make every single person foolish enough to look in my direction douse their eyes with bleach.


In before they put in some insane requirement that makes you slave for weeks to hide that behind quests that get so chained down with quests within quests that finally you forgot where and what to do so you quit the quest out of frustration.


I love it :sunglasses: don’t know why everyone else is salty but I can’t wait


Atop the platform in the sepulcher, thousands of souls begin to shoot out of Sylvanas’ bow. She absorbs her last blow and collapses to the ground, defeated.

One shape materializes into Garithos. He kneels by her and shuts her eyes after a quick word. Then he turns to the gathered heroes.

“Without their leader, the Forsaken will become a terrible menace. Control must be maintained. There must always be a Banshee Queen.”


Putting it on an Orc male is lowkey hot lmao

I’ll stick to my Dragons…

I think I like the Legion Eagletalon sets better, personally


Looks ridiculous on a male, as expected, but the quiver is nice I guess.

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It would be great if it came in purple.

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Elves are weak. This is what peak performance looks like.


More quivers is always a plus for me.
Would definitely like more added.


I can’t believe Pandaren are still cursed with those permanent shoes!

Varion approved! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Can’t wait for Tubby, my Kul Tiran hunters big gut to fit into that mog :crazy_face:

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Majority of the shoes appear like that except for those bulky “plate” boots.
Honestly, it’s fine. Not all footwear is able to handle literal thick bear claws.

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They should at least give them some color options besides the gold. Poor pandas.