To all those against refunds

Go ahead. Ask away.

I don’t see it happening but I mean there’s no harm in the attempt. Just don’t be too surprised if you get blown off.


I’ve been trying to get people to take a look at what the lead game designer said about this change. They want to implement something to make heirlooms just as satisfying as they were with the EXP buff, without having to change the new leveling system/time. Y’all just need to chill and realize we don’t need to grab the pitchforks because Blizz is “making something irrelevant again”, when in reality heirlooms are not useless without the exp buff. They could have on-use abilities, on-equip procs, bonuses to gold drops or loot tables, who knows? It’s just infuriating to see how angry people get over a change like this, when it’s:
Not implemented into the game yet
Not thoroughly defined, i.e. exactly how it will change, and what other changes they might make to balance it out

What I’m trying to say is, Blizzard should be more open about their ideas rather than just mentioning it on some random stream, and people should take a little more time before they demand refunds for an item that isn’t being removed, but modified, in a new expansion that hasn’t been released.

Edit: the video is near the top of that page, where the designer mentions that they still want to keep that satisfaction of a leveling bonus, by some other means. Before asking for refunds, let’s see what they come up with first.

Second edit, sorry, I don’t know why I didn’t just quote what he said, lol
“We definitely know that part of what makes those heirlooms feel exciting and interesting was that unique experience bonus, so we do want to add something to replace that which will hopefully be equally as beneficial or feel unique and interesting for your level up experience, but not necessarily “here’s a bunch of extra experience gain”.”


Blizzard’s not the problem. The players are the problem.


Doesnt bother me. Ask for it.
Just dont expect it.
the game doesnt belong to us…we rent it…in WHATEVER form it takes.
Its a monthy rental…and ongoing agreement that either party can end at any time.
The heirlooms never belonged to us in the sense that we owned them. Theyve always been blizzards property to do with as they see fit.

You get my water walking given back on my strider so I dont have to put the gear on every single character and I’ll join your fight for your heirlooms.


I’ve gotten compensated in hearthstone and destiny when destiney went free 2 play on the blizzard client. I believe that they might do it, that doesn’t mean they will do it though.

It bothers me that people are against asking for it.

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Unfortunately, you have moved beyond asking and into whining. Ask if you want. I hope you have a good day.


It’s not whining at all, it’s perfectly reasonable to ask for compensation. Don’t try to belittle others.


Part of the point of the leveling changes are to invalidate the heirloom experience bonuses, which were put in place as a counter to Blizzard’s own poor leveling design. They’ve fixed the first problem and so the second is going away. Seems pretty straightforward too me.


I partially agree. Players like you are definitely a problem.

Stop justifying poor customer service. It costs them nothing to give people 10k gold back. 10k gold is worthless.

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So because of the heirloom changes, people shouldn’t ask for compensation? What’s the point you’re trying to make?

Oh no, I have no problem with people asking for compensation. A hundred identical cryfest threads about it are a bit much, but whatever.


But is it really to much? Does blizzard actively listen to the community issues? Who are you to say that it’s crying to try to diminish their problems with the item changes?

I have nothing against people asking for things back, but they’ll never get it. We’ve had this situation in the past with things like the expedition yak, never once refunded.


It’s bothers me that people are so against it. The flagging of this post is evidence enough about it.

Because the question is being directed towards the people.

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I do think the amount of posts is a bit excessive before we know all the info, but hey, people feel slighted and I can understand that.

Personally, I have like 15 120s and another 20 110s, i feel like I’ve gotten more than enough use out of my heirlooms.

That’s understand that you feel that way and I can respect that, but not everyone has that same view on heirlooms.

I’ll support your cause, but I wouldn’t hold my breath lol.

I mean I got a refund for destiny 2 when it went free 2 play because I didn’t stop asking.

It feels like a selfish thing to tell others not to ask because of previous situations. Not saying you’re doing it Wirt but others certainly are.

That’s kind of crazy actually.

But I mean, blizzard already has set precedence on things like this, yak, waterstrider, etc.

Here’s the thing, Blizzard does have the final say, and they should be, it’s run by them, but it never hurts to ask and the worst they will tell someone is no.