diference is: Blizzard wouldnt do ANYTHING to stop this.
You are thinking godsend. But I am going to tell you what IS going to happen.
The average ally pvp’er is terrible. FACT Most of the decent players go horde for improved racials.
So the Alliance left who actually know how to play refuse to run with the rest who will not even TRY.
Hence the people who actually pvp will all say goodbye to AV and you can all enjoy 5 hour Q times on horde.
The only way this is ever changing is make ally racials more appealing to pvp like. Every man for himself (no trinket need CC removal)
Or make it so horde fight horde.
Until then you all can stop with your holier than though elitist view of why horde DESERVES to win 100 % of time vs the 80% now.
This coming from someone who is higher than you back in vanilla and the character to prove it.