To all Sylvanas Loyalists!

Ya too bad the devs said she won’t be killed off😂 salty nelves still mad we burned their families


Ripped open the veil of reality, and has been damning thousands of souls to eternal damnation for the last few years.

But uh, other than that, no much.

You guys won BFA, you dismantled the horde, you got Darkshore back.

Don’t be too greedy elfie.

You guys will even have strong ties with the avatar people in shadowlands.


I’m going with she becomes the new Arbiter or Jailer.


Dark Lady watch over you


Would be a nice wrap up for her story.

She gets to “beat death” that way.

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They didn’t get Ashenvale though. Thats why they are living in Hyjal now.

Also the Horde is stronger militarily the Alliance only could scrounge up enough troops for single attack on Org and that was with the Horde helping them and the Zandalari staying out of it.

a quote about us loyalists " the cunning ones kneel before six masters, but serve only one."

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Love the new helm bro

Great name. Blair Witch II?

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Yes and thank you =)

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I absolutely love the Blair Witch mythos. I have a pewter stick-man hanging from my rear-view mirror, which I got in a special promotional pack somewhere which included Blair Witch, Blair Witch II, and a really rad Blair Witch video game.

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She is the Final Boss in Shadowlands. Calling it now.

I got the same one lol!! It was in a different special combo pack but it came with the rope as the necklace.

That’s the one! Most people don’t like BWII. It’s good to see another fan. :slight_smile:

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I honestly thought the concept they went with was great instead of what they could have done for a Part II.

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Those poor ghosts have no clue that Azshara is already been dealt with in one raid patch. No glory for one of the most powerful magic users on Azeroth.

Azshara was supposed to be the strongest mage in history of wow. funny how the human potential was shoved down our throats. :confused:

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For the Dark Lady!!! The traitors thinks she abandon us but she met with us after she vanished from orgrimar.