To all Sylvanas Loyalists!

people have no problem with jaina thrall anduin being op yet when sylvanas is they freak out, pretty much anything that we horde players would wanna do to the alliance and sylvanas does it alliance members and pro alliance horde players freak out and cry for blood, they do this with everyone on horde they hate, yet when alliance do crap they say its justified honestly people need to just accept the fact sylvanas wont be killed off and blizzard is probly doing a Kerrigan 2.0 thing which I will say this I love that story.


100% with you Azsharaz!

Sylvanas is a unique character, but people can’t accept that.
Thrall was Unique too once, then they made him as human as possible, at this point he is just a human in a green skin. he even has the eyebrows. lol
All human characters are just cliche heros, warriors of lights, agents of justice, righter of wrongs, savior blah blah boring Disney morals, compassionate, caring, self sacrificing, always working for the greater good. BOOOOOOOOOOOORIIING.

The only time Jaina was interesting when she started to get off the rail and kill some elves in Dalaran, and people instantly “OH NO!”. It’s a game, can you’all just enjoy this fantasy game?

I hope Sylvanas gets Kerriganed! I loved Kerrigan’s downfall and rise so much. I hope they do the same with Sylvanas!


Is this Egypt? Where are the pyramids? Because I certainly see denial!

ya and if you saw the additional loyalist cutscene (I am not counting you watching it on youtube, anyone can do that) LIVE when it happened you would properly understand. We are the tip of the spear for Sylvanas, and she knows this. Only time will tell how the cards fall and I for one choose to be used as a weapon.


Oh my god I have to tell this story.

My brother’s ex was a really special lady. She got angry at him once and during their argument she kept saying, “You must be in Asia or something.” and he could never figure out what the heck she was talking about.

One day he calls crying laughing. He finally asked her what she meant. She finally delivered the punch line of her witty remark.

“You must be in Asia or something, because you’re in denial.”

She was real special.


Aw, that poor lady. Being geographically challenged isn’t the worst thing that could happen to someone, at least.

Yeah, we’re dealing with more than one group with different agendas.
–Alliance loyalists who believe Horde are favored
–Mostly male players who hate seeing a female in a powerful position
–Sylvanas haters for many different reasons who don’t want to see her character in the spotlight
–The goody two shoes who can’t understand how anyone could like a character that is a complex
I know there are more…but those are just some that I’ve noticed.

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Sylvanas loyalists kind of remind me of those highborne ghosts in Nazjatar that still believe, even after death, that Azshara will save them from the sea invading Zin Azshari.


And… what difference does it make if you saw it on youtube vs. playing it again? I’ve seen it both ways and it looks like you were dumb to join her in both cases (probably because they’re the same damn thing but if it means so much to you to see it ingame I did it on an alt).

If that’s your flavor of RP though you do you, just don’t come crying to me when you’re in the maw powering up Sylvanas’s mary sue powers.

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oi I won’t be crying if I am in the heart of the maw. I mean, I am an UNDEAD WARLOCK, I will do whatever I can for power. Be it give my [lackthereof] soul or my corporal form. Whatever it takes to consume more power.

And yes, it’s all in the RP. If I was another race chances are I would view this much differently.


For real. Just purge the whole place at once and be done with it.

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Nah, I can already see what’s going to happen. We will beat the shadow lich King, and Sylvy will rule as the shadow queen. She will then let us leave and close the portal once order has been restored. Gg blizz, I already called you on your bad story telling before the expansion even released.

Another person who doesn’t understand what is a Mary Sue.


‘Mary-Sue’ = Female character given too much power that I don’t like.

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anduin is a mary sue, sylvie is not. XD


So I wonder what happens to those who are loyal to Sylvanas? Do we just hang out with the horde and try to kill her? Do we get to go hang out with her and the jailer? Inquiring minds want to know :open_mouth:

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I don’t think our loyalty transfers to the next expansion. I kind of get the feeling we will only be able to watch her from afar.

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Bow down before the Dark Lady, the Goddess of Death!
For the Forsaken!
Death to the living!


We will be her instrument whenever she needs us. <3


bookmark this thread and necro it when Sylvanas gets killed off and everyone can post screen shots of her death for extra lulz