To all Sylvanas Loyalists!

For the dark lady !


Don’t say that!! some snowflakes will get offend because you like a fictional character in a video game and they will call you “an awful human beings.”

even thought her story hasn’t finished yet she might be doing something for greater good that we suspect.

For the Dark Lady!!! <3


I’m judging her by Horde law. Horde laws that she flagrantly broke, both AS and BEFORE she became Warchief. She continued raising Forsaken in spite of Garrosh’s direct order. She also manufacted the Blight, again, in direct defiance of orders. She fought without honor, and massacred civilians, something the Modern Horde does not do. We tore Garrosh down from power due to that little quirk, and Sylvanas looks to be in much the same position, except even worse. Garrosh’s victims at least had a shot at a normal, honorable afterlife. Sylvanas forced them all into the Maw. Innocents serving a sentence of damnation.

I’m not applying human logic, I’m applying Horde logic. And Horde logic screams for her head to mount Orgrimmar’s gate-spikes, right alongside Onyxia’s as examples of what happens to those that threaten Azeroth.

don’t care.

If blizzard had balls and give me the possibility to join sylvanas side, i would do it in one second. Just to smash every snowflake out there.


Now you are talking thank you very much!! finally a rational person.

We are simply not traitors and we think she did good for the horde we hate the Alliance so much that we don’t care about those who died .

what is dishonorable is betraying your own warcheif.

The makagar it applies only to orcs warcheifs not blood elves or undead but still she won fairly anyway. Thrall used his shaman power to kill garosh did you forget that? but you still consider him honorable it shows your hypocrisy . FYI you can use magic if you are not a warrior and if you argue you can’t then why you still consider thrall honorable? backed you in a corner now did i?

Garrosh was a racist orc who started calling goblins weaklings and hanging them in orgrimar forcing them to dance killing pandas and any horde he thought were weaklings he wanted to make his own horde.

Sylvanas simply didn’t fit Saurfang’s moral filter he started a rebellion against her .

You killed many horde when you were trying to rescue Baine also the brother of our enemy you rescued him by killing your own people. how is this honor? this is treason!!!


Sending soldiers to die, knowing that you’re strengthening a threat to Azeroth itself with every death, means you are actively aiding and helping the enemy. That is the very definition of treason. Sylvanas also made another whoopsie, by your own logic, by… Let’s see…

Ruh roh Shaggy! Looks like we have a winner here! Sylvanas actually betrayed Garrosh by, again, going against his clear orders to stop desecrating the dead. She also managed to at least enable, if not outright engineer the situation at Wrathgate. Which killed Forsaken alongside other Horde forces. But she doesn’t have to answer for her hypocrisy because… Reasons?

Sylvanas straight up declared war on every living thing by aligning with the Jailer. She had a chance to explain herself before she did such unspeakable acts. She didn’t, and now she pays for betraying the Horde’s trust.

Also, how nice of you to bring up Derek, the ultimate example of Sylvanas’s broken promises. She was enslaving raised Forsaken, making her no different from the Lich King himself. All while whispering honeyed words promising freedom of thought and action to the Forsaken people. She sold everyone out, Forsaken included, because she’s scared beyond death of what she’s got coming.

Oh absolutely. For the Dark Lady, forever!


The story isn’t clear yet you are assuming here

She betrayed him by disobeying one order? he was sending her undead army to their death as shields. she didn’t betray him she just knew he will be replaced.

You don’t know that yet no one knows that yet still things need to unravel.

She didn’t enslave them she enslaved Derk proudmore well she wanted to enslave him for a strategic purposes.

I am off to bed it was nice talking to you. in shadowlands we will see her true motive. peace and thank you for arguing respectfully.