To All Of The Tanks

Bud I take so little damage I dont even need to tank in defensive stance. The nerf is kinda warranted. Tanks will still be super strong even post nerf.

Yeah I’m a tank and I don’t think so. I’ve played gimped classes before I’m xpacs and always done well. I got alts on the go I can main if this dh has his legs cut off. Blizz can’t balance a game to save their lives so just accept it and life is happier because u just play a class they are currently in love with.

literally every tank except brewmaster is going to probably not even notice the difference.

Not really sure why you’re getting so huffy. Tanking has become less attractive over the years, people aren’t just rolling their eyes over a 10% nurf.

Plenty of DPS unsub when their fotm is no longer at the top. They had their fun, then they play another game for the next season, or until the next xpac…
And there are way more DPS or fotm DPS than there are tanks, not sure you knew that.

correct, pre m+, your fotm warr seems to be overtuned.

I mean I understand the nerfs we did a mythic with 5 tanks and down everything with no problem lol 2 warriors me on the DH and blood DK in a azure mythic

Tanks have been getting nerfs at the start of expansions for a very long time. Anyone who doesn’t know that, either hasn’t played for very long or has issues with their memory.

When we (tanks) were god-mode at the start of Legion, people were crying about the pvp sewers in Dalaran because anyone who was not a tank kept getting rekt. Blizzard implemented the nerfs, and guess what? We were still god-like, just not as much. Frankly, I barely noticed the nerfs. In world pvp, to me at the time, it was hardly discernible (I played on a pvp server, Darkspear, for most of that expansion).

Nerf warlock tanks in pvp plz

When trying to show that something is a bad idea, more data, not less, is always the better way. If everyone decides to actually follow your crazy advice, and punish the playerbase, all the devs would see is a bunch of babies whining over something they’ve never tested. If tanks go at it hard, fail repeatedly, and leave that data, the arguement could be made that the nerf was actually bad.

If your tank thinks 10% will make tanking impossible then you have a bad tank.

When Blizzard nerfed me during SL because I was a Venthyr hpal: Deal with it.

When someone else gets their favorite thing nerfed: Waaa

Yet another example of “you think you do but you don’t” that is going to bite healers in their backsides again.

The reality is this nerf is only going to matter on fortified weeks and likely not be enough to actually change the pulling strats of groups but the onus will absolutely be on the healer more to keep the nerfed group (and it is group and not just tanks) alive.

You can’t blame a player for not staying alive when they are mechanically prevented from doing so thus the blame will fall back to the healers who already are failing to do their jobs today. This is just going to make YOUR shortcomings more obvious.

Face it. We’re not going back to the days of pulling 1 pack at a time while CCing half that pack too while you get to casually finger peck/drinking bird your basic heal while you pat your head going “I’m a good healer. I’m such a good healer. Look at me keeping the tank alive. I’m a god/goddess”. A nerf to surviability just makes YOU have to work more.

I’m getting more of the opinion that the dedicated healing role needs to go. It doesn’t even exist in the actual TTRPG world where fantasy games draw their inspiration from and it would make for a more skilled playerbase across the board if all roles were responsible for their own survival and/or had abilities that could be used on their allies at increased effectiveness over themselves. Basically support DPS playstyles. We have such a divide these days with groups who have effective (aka skilled) battle healers vs healbots when it comes to quality of groups. Healbots are just a relic whose basically being carried by 4 other people.

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i would hope so, since the content that’s out right now is trivial and most people already outgear it