Thanks for the insight. I haven’t tried the Zek delve yet, barely got a T8 done at all (586 ret). Have seen him twice since he crashed my T7 and T8 both, left me with juicy repair bills and the claws didn’t drop anything good (neither had gear or maps). Maybe if I’m lucky in the vault and get my 4 piece I’ll try him for real.
So I just tried it again, Zek T7, at 596. 12 times. I got close once (below 30%).
Here’s my struggles.
First the frontal is brutal, I don’t think a ranged to can get out of the way in time without something extra. I use burning rush, but depending on the global cooldown, it may not fire. I don’t know if the teleport in on GCD or not, so I may try that, but I would have to react to that after BR doesn’t go off. I can survive the frontal, once. Crap shoot if I get healed back up or not.
Next, of course, is that Spittle - a slowing DoT. If I get that on me, I’m mostly dead - I just don’t know it yet. I have one 30s interrupt on my Felguard. I’m rarely in range of Death Coil, dunno if that will interrupt him or not. The Felguards interrupt is not always up.
The adds are not necessarily a problem, save that I have to remove my focus from the boss, so that makes interrupting the spittle particularly difficult. Brann will occasionally dispel the debuff, not something you can count on.
This fight would be night and day with others, but trying to keep it as a solo fight.
I don’t think I’ll bother trying again until I’m 610 or something, that will be a few weeks I’m sure.
its a big deal to me too, OP. past xpacs the vault was not something I ever got on alts and very rarely on my main. now i am consistently getting it opened across all five of my 80s.
Well, how’d it go?
(On my lock) I got a Hero Staff in my Timewalking cache last week, so my vault today was three veteran one-handers, as expected.
On my priest I got an LFR Mog.
Is Brann healer? He should dispel your movement dot
Also even though you’re ranged stay close, I know sounds dumb but a cone is much easier to dodge close because it only takes a one step sidestep as opposed to actually running if you’re farther away
Pretty good not amazing but super fun.
I got three 616 tier pieces and upgraded to 619 which I basically the highest gear I’ll get this season.
Got lots of other good stuff including a couple trinkets and one took token which is kind of crappy but nothing was an upgrade
I’ve never received a single piece of tier gear while it’s current before.
Thanks to Delves and the vault, I have 3 pieces on this character and 2 on my mage. Things going well I’ll have the 4 set on this character next reset.
That alone does wonders to help players like me feel like we aren’t just an afterthought.
It can only be good for Blizzard too, as it gives more people access to these sets they invest time and resources into designing.
Yes that’s so cool! Let us get the goodies too, the people pushing high keys and mythic raiding still have better and that’s fine. But I was sick of waiting 7 weeks for my tier set
I can blast through world quests, go back and do old content, so many fun things they gear makes possible, easier or faster
The catalyst gets a charge next week so I think your 4 should be guaranteed as long as you have something to use
With the tier 9+ Delves (with higher levels to come) there’s another area that gear can be used for too.
I cleared ? Zekvir yesterday, I still have ?? to go as well as the higher tier Delves. Getting this better gear and unlocking things like the set abilities gives me more to push further.
Which is progression, something a sizeable chunk of WoW’s playerbase hasn’t had for a long time. Delves are far from perfect, but few of the end game systems were on release. Delves are a solid base to build upon and I think they’re a great addition to the game overall.
Hopefully, though this week was a close call with two trinkets. I was just lucky that the final slot had something I could convert into a new tier piece.
I’ve been having pretty awful luck with my bountiful chests, so fingers crossed my good luck is being channelled into my vault. I’ll happily trade that 606 champion track loot for a 616 hero track piece I can use to get my 4 set.
Exactly, I have done M+ in the past right now I can’t get into it. By the time the wife and kids go to bed I have an hour or two max, I don’t have time to put together a group and run it… or I do but just barely.
I’d rather knock out some solo content