Tldr basic strat for dev in solo bg?

Looking for some help here. I’m new to the class, and I just have no idea what my role is in sbgs. I feel like dev isn’t good at solo sitting flags, and by the time I get close enough to dps im getting silenced and stunned out of everything I’m trying to do. Any basic tips?

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If you’re talking about regular BGs, dev is good at supporting other players in the same way as most casters. You can let melee charge in and draw attention while you hang back and burn or heal. In terms of defending a flag your options are limited. You are right, dev isn’t the best choice at pure defense unless you’re just that confident in yourself. If you are not confident in winning a fight, you can hang back, far enough from the flags that you are not likely to be targeted before they attempt to cap and trust in your speed to use casts to interrupt them capping while also calling for help, or you can just focus on attacking other bases.

Overall remember that the key to dev PvP is too be as slippery as you can, because you never want a melee crawling all over you or a ranged (who all have better range than you) with a direct line of sight on you.

Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee.

I think dev excels at countering double dps pushes. So like if a hunter dk are at lm facing your warrior, despite them being heavily defensive you can definitely swing that 2v2, dev can swing a fight super hard no matter the comp, even if its just for time.

Aside from that assist the same player you would be if you were a healer. Dev is probably the tastiest ranged bait right now.