<TKB> AOTC guild recruiting

Hello all!
The Killer Bunnies is recruiting to fill out our heroic AOTC team. We moved from a tiny dying server (duskwood) where we have been raiding since before I joined in 2019. We have had a very tight knit guild and raid team, but over the past 4 years we had people leave due to personal reasons, new jobs, kids, etc… we dwindled from 25-27 down to 12 with no bench. So we made the jump and moved to a high pop server to hopefully build back up in the 20-25 range.

Our raid times are Tuesday and Friday from 9pm-11pm est. we keep short raid times because most of us have kids/families. 4 hours a week means more time for other things but it also means a few extra raid nights to kill the bosses. It also means we want your A game each night so we aren’t treading water and are progressing every raid night.

Currently we have needs for a tank (off tank took a break to focus on work) a healer or two, and some DPS.

Outside of raid, we have a core of people who love to push keys for KSM every season and keep pushing all the way to the next season.

If interested, contact the GM Malcuss , or myself at Badfish#11397

Still looking for some new recruits!

Looking for more people!!!

your discord is not accurate.