Title: A Serious Issue with Dungeon Vote Kick System and Player Toxicity

Oof, that one Hurte me.


You started harassing everyone here.

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Pft! Nope.
The folks who post on the forums represent roughly 0.001-0.003% of the playerbase, and those who read it is just marginally larger. Roughly 0.02-0.04%.

Folks aren’t getting kicked as frequently as you think they are. This is largely an individual problem, in other words: YOU are getting kicked a lot and that’s likely because of no one other than you.

This isn’t a problem. Folks can kick anyone for any reason that they want. It requires a majority vote (or supermajority in some cases) to get that through. You getting kicked as often as you said you are is just indicating that you are doing something to screw over a majority of other players you play with.

Because this ain’t a problem for the average player.

You said:

Finding an entire post where you were just attacking me says otherwise and directly refutes your central premise.

Stay on topic.


Put one of the classic characters on ignore. If a new no post alt suddenly shows up and continues the same logic, that’s probably evading ignore and grounds for an ongoing harassment ticket.

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I’d rather you just

You’re the one hellbent on figuring out the reason and who initiated. And who knows, maybe the first person will answer and you won’t need to keep asking why you were kicked.


With your suggestion, you don’t need to ask anyone why you were kicked, you already saw the reason. The only purpose left for messaging the person who initiated the kick is for you to harass them. Which isn’t the case for the former, where you’re incentivized to be as polite as possible in order to get the other person to oblige you.

It’s very consistent if you don’t misconstrue what I said.

Look, Prime.

As far as my personal beliefs go, I agree. If you’re willing to remove someone from the group, I think you should be willing to admit as much.

This is distinct from what I think should be forced on the hoi polloi. People are, by nature, nonconfrontational. This is probably a large part of the reason these forums represent such a small percentage of players. It’s not like most people are unaware they exist.

That I believe people should own up to their actions doesn’t mean I think Blizzard should encourage short-tempered retribution in their LFD system.

That’s been you. Now do you have anything to add to the topic? I spoke of the cooldown on the yes button and adding back in the vote kick cooldown.

Learn to read.

Which was in response to— oh great. You and Hurte look exactly the same and apparently you came off ignore. :roll_eyes: Going to fix that.

But let’s continue. This is what Hurte told me wasn’t on topic and was bullying:

So once again, as usual, you’re wrong. I know that difficult for you, but you’ll live.

Who knew that replying to the OP with logical conversation was “unhinged.”

Moderation warned you of your behavior in here and yet here you still are, harassing and trolling.

Making a big show of ignoring me then later responding to me and then regurgitating how you’re definitely going to ignore me this time gets old.

Stay on topic instead of telling me who you’re ignoring. Nobody cares.

I shouldn’t have to grovel to 4 people to find out why I’ve been restricted from playing the game. Placing someone on ignore in game is trivial if they can’t handle a single message.

At this stage most people who play wow are adults and can handle the personal responsibility that was forced on them from Classic - Wrath when people were kicked from harder groups to form. This personal accountability isnt perfect in deterring negative actions but I think it goes in the right direction.


WoW SnowPine said this is voter intimidation, you can’t tell me he isn’t trolling now.

I could get behind this.

I thought that was me. :rofl:

Clearly, speaking two languages gives me an advantage you might not appreciate. Your stance of “Nobody cares” only reflects your insecurity and inferiority complex. You’ve done nothing but respond to arguments with more questions, showing an inability to defend your position with logical reasoning.

You lack any foundation or basis for your points, hiding behind anonymity and avoiding addressing real issues. Worse, you seem to justify Blizzard’s bad practices and misuse of their systems. I don’t like belittling others, but your attitude forces me to lay things out clearly.

Primarate has been offering you well-structured arguments, logic, and prior experience, while you simply dodge and accuse others of evasion. I’m confident you’d struggle to hold your own in a face-to-face debate.

At this point, I’m not even sure if what you’re saying makes sense, and I’m certain many others in this discussion, like me, doubt the validity of anything you say.

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No. This doesn’t deter the trolling reasons I’ve seen. Getting removed from Classic-Wrath was done by a single person. This wasn’t a big deal back then.


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Stop trying to bully the OP for being bilingual Skalpy or whatever your name is.

Maybe I can be the version of Snowpine that wanted to see what it’s like to be tall for a day

Again, you either don’t understand or are purposely misconstruing what is being said.

Snowpine told you it was totally reasonable for you to be taking your time given the language barrier.

And I was pointing out that nobody cares what language you speak.

Tall Vulpera will now plague my nightmares tonight, thanks.

Think Skaven thoughts, think Skaven thoughts.

It does matter, because this here proves that you are lying out of your teeth.

There’s a few barriers before you can kick someone:

  • A boss has to have been killed.
  • You cannot be kicked for 5-15 minutes (there’s some different variables but but someone who vote kick people a lot, the timer is 15 minutes, and for someone who doesn’t do it a lot (which typically means that they use it sparingly because of another player doing something, such as being rude) that timer is around 5 minutes) into a dungeon.

These two things indicate that something happened, or that you are lying about this happening at all.

So yes, it does matter that there was more to the story. Because it informs us that you were kicked (if it happened at all) likely because you said or did something beyond what your story claims to be ‘everything’.

And this here is an example of why threads like these are just spam threads. People don’t get kicked randomly, it isn’t systematic, and there’s always more to the story that people choose to leave out when someone does get kicked.

Read above.

The most likely explanation for these threads is the number of trolls on these forums. Not that these stories are true. After all, you joined 8 hours ago and have only communicated and been active in this thread.

It is clear as day that you are one of these trolls spamming this topic because you find it funny.

It’s too many rats on this thread, I’ve gotten you both mixed up too.

Or have it work like it does when you report someone: If you kick someone, they are automatically ignored by you until you log out.