Title: A Serious Issue with Dungeon Vote Kick System and Player Toxicity

I don’t buy it, they use an automated system.

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I don’t either.

But people will eat that stuff up

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Probably because its copy/paste of what we usually see.

Sure, but there are better ways of doing that than proactively kicking people in low-stakes dungeons.

If you’re kicking people in any dungeon before mythic, then you’re the problem lol

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The “some poor guy” in question: messed up every mechanic, took 0 accountability, died and demanded he be rezzed while at the respawn point.

Another “some poor guy” in question: wanted to go a different, much slower route from the four other people in the group and tried to force the rest of the group to comply.



It’s a leveling dungeon, Betty. It’s not that serious lmao

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It was serious enough to warrant a kick, Karen.

The tool gives you the power to vote no, so I suppose everyone wins

Taking leveling dungeons seriously enough to kick someone is an indictment on the kicker lol

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I think its an indictment on the one who was kicked for having been such an annoyance to the group to warrant a kick in content that could have been done solo.


Have you actually played this game? It takes virtually nothing to annoy someone in the community lol

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I rarely do the Dungeon finder because of this and the other problem of speed running. It would usually be a group of 3 from a guild. They use the group finder to get the reward. When in the Dungeon they eventually kick the other player out.

Yes, I have.

The hundreds of runs I’ve completed over the course of this anniversary event and the thousands prior say otherwise. The easily annoyed people usually plague high m+ keys(leaving at the first death/wipe) or in rated PvP(shuffle/blitz).

That’s cool lmao

Thanks, I am glad you think so.

You also have the tools to just leave the group if it isn’t to your liking.

I don’t think I’ve ever initiated a kick in this game with the exception of the occasional AFKer/DC, which I assume is what the kick button is actually for, and not because X hunter is doing suboptimal DPS at level 31.

If I dislike how a dungeon is panning out, I pretty much always take it upon myself to leave because it’s not a huge deal and it’s my problem to solve, not the other person’s. The number of people in here who advocate for the callous disregard of their fellow players is disappointing but unsurprising.

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Sure, they also have the tools to initiate a kick to remove the one person that isn’t to the groups liking, rather than the four people leaving.

The kick is a player agency tool, meant to give groups control over who they have to play with, and can be used for any reason so long as the majority agrees.

So noble. But again, if one person is clearly not a fit for the other four, why should they all have to leave when there’s a tool to remove the one who isn’t a fit?

And the playerbase can’t really be trusted to self-regulate, is my point. I don’t think Blizzard created the tool with the intention of it being abused in the way people have outlined. I don’t think they want people to be yeeted out of parties because their DPS is 5% lower than it should be, or because their pulls are smaller than they could be. To assume this was the purpose of the kick tool would be dishonest.

Because you don’t know why that player is playing suboptimally. For all you know, they could be brand new, either to the game or to the role they’ve assumed, or the class they’re playing.

You think it makes for a good new player experience for someone to be kicked just because they aren’t pulling the entire dungeon in under five minutes? You think it helps players become more engaged with the game because they were kicked for doing suboptimal damage in an inconsequential dungeon?

Like, you’re obviously free to do what you want, but it doesn’t make you look like any less of a jackwipe for doing it. You have other options you could choose instead, but you choose the one that’s significantly more cruel and/or damaging to the broader community.


Except for the fact it’s a VOTE kick. If what you people are claiming is true, that it’s this rampant thing happening constantly, your own logic would dictate that the community has come together and agreed to do this lol.


Gotta be honest, the air of superiority and the name-calling and condescension doesn’t really work when you’re trying to give off the idea that you’re somehow better or more benevolent than others for not kicking anyone.

Telling people they’re bullies for doing something you don’t agree with doesn’t have the same effect when you’re being a bully while doing it.

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