Again you go straight back to me having an issue with gearing paths. I don’t. I don’t have an issue with PVP or Mythic +. I agree with you that people doing all forms of content deserve to have a progression path. But where you’re missing the point is that there is no sense of feeling strong in the game anymore. Doesn’t matter what content you do you never feel strong. They could almost put a blank canvas on a character and eliminate gearing completely and the feeling in the game wouldn’t change.
Im saying that BoD shouldve been 370/385/400. Were going to end up at over 500 by end of expansion. We started around 200.
“catering to casuals”
Been seeing this tossed around a lot in this thread. Being used a scapegoat for the decline of the game, mostly.
Catering to casuals was literally the selling point of WoW when it launched. MMO’s at the time were extremely time intensive with mostly forced group content to simply even level up.
Having said all that, yes WoW has problems, and TF/WF is a part of it. But anyone arguing from the standpoint of “he got one and I didn’t, that’s not fair” is a fool, imo. What other players get does not hurt your personal progress or guild progress. A deeply flawed reward system that took away almost every bit of control players had in the past did that.
I have a feeling that until people stop making it about what toy the other kids got but they didn’t, this problem isn’t likely to be resolved. From an outside viewpoint it looks like people are just jealous when really most of us are just frustrated with the direction loot and rewards in general have taken.
And even with that the feeling in the game wouldn’t have changed. Gearing is like the tide now. Doesn’t matter what ilvl currently is because everyone regardless of what they choose to do are sitting within 40ish ilvls of each other. The power curve is gone from the game regardless of what the ilvl today is.
So what, exactly, does “feeling strong” to you mean? It’s not that someone who does heroic content has better performance than someone who does normal. It’s not that someone who does mythic has higher ilvl than someone who does heroic. It’s like you’re saying words that simply don’t correlate to anything at all objective. Saying “I don’t feel strong” has to be relative to something, so since it’s not other players who do different levels of content as you alluded to above, what are you even talking about?
Exactly. It’s not Warforging or Titanforging that are the problem. The loot system today holds no real rewards. You never “feel” stronger than you are right now.
Weird I feel stronger.
Oh yeah I agree. I made a post about the ilvls similar to what you’re saying in the thread. At this rate we’ll need a stat squish every other expansion. And that would just feel stupid.
this is wonderfully put and i hope it gets a response. the last bit about each login filling like putting in a quarter is spot on
everyday it’s a look at what WQ are up because maybe there’s that one trinket that can TF to become a BiS, or on Tuesday im gambling with my chest/residiuum, hoping to get a piece with traits i like.
Avagon that’s exactly the problem of the player base right now. It’s just a feeling not something that can really correlate to x is better than y. Since there is no math that we can show to make the devs or really anyone understand everyone just ignores the problem and says “elitist”.
If you go back in time whatever my “main” raider was felt significantly stronger in any content I was doing than my alts. Today my main raiding character doesn’t really feel any stronger in any content than my alts. That “missing” sense of power is causing it is the problem. There isn’t a feeling of power or reward or whatever else you want to call it anymore. Yes some of that perception of missing power came from outright being stronger than someone else. I’ll be the first to admit that but in todays game I raid Heroic weekly and don’t feel anymore powerful doing any content than I do on an alt that does world quests and warfronts.
A clown in Greens now that’s harsh~
I have looked at some of your gear the ones brave enough to post on their main (lol at the ones who don’t) basically why are you even complaining about anything. The solo or casuals don’t have the opportunity to get well stated gear as yourselfs. The purples we do get are a mish-mash of inferior stats that we have to somehow work around . Anyone thinking that is an easy way to go is very mis-guided in their thinking. I also have a big problem with those that think daily questing is oh so simple. Blah blah blah …bleep, bleep bleep like little lost lambs trying to be the big bad wolves biting at people you think lesser a player than you. I know my gaming limits and and am glad Blizzard has made my game time into a friendlier place to play. They have put so much time and effort into the environment and the beauty of the graphics that most of you just poopoo away. Shame on all of you. Crying about gear and who has it and who deserves it is such a waste of time. Feeling strong which we all want is different for all of us and what we choose to do. I personally like being able to stand and take down a level 121 with minor difficulty. Yes my gear has made it possible for me to do so. I am happy for that.
If you cannot find some kind of happiness while playing an awesome game as WoW…WHY BOTHER??
Here is your answer OP. Your opinion of a system in the game failing has no value because the developers themselves enjoy it, so basically deal with it.
Since when do Community Managers = Developers?
Since when isn’t a Blood elf from Illidan server = Someone of any worth.
I don’t feel the same about titan forging or war forging that you do, but I guess that just goes to show not everyone is going to like the same things.
(This is partially why they don’t post in big topics. Kinda derails the natural conversation.)
Is that the best you can come up with mr. lvl98?
Well I could point out you posting here all day defending blizzard, but why bother. You keep doing you.
Defending Blizzard? Haha have you read my posts?