Titan Forged - Horde Bleeding Hollow
Current BoD progression: 5/9M 9/9H
Current CoS progression: 2/2H
Raid Days/Times:
Tues: Core progression
Wed: Core progression
Thurs: Casual/Farm/Alt (non-mandatory)
Mon: Casual/Farm/Alt (non-mandatory)
9:30p-12:30a EST (server time). Invites go out at 9:15
When available, we do casual raid runs that players outside of core are welcome to join (provided they are geared and can handle the content!)
Our goal for Battle of Dazar’alor - Cutting Edge
Current Roster Needs:
Balance Druid
All classes/roles welcome to request more info and/or apply! Roster needs change
For recruitment info, please contact me via discord or in-game!
In-game characters - Zethorá (alt 160), Gwendaline, Andromache
Discord - Mistique717#3503
Bnet - mistique#1844
Read below for more info about the guild!
Est. during Dragon Soul tier in Cata, transferred to horde beginning of MoP (yes, the guild was named Titan Forged before Titanforging was a thing!) Inactive only during WoD. Raided the entirety of Legion (EN 4/7M, ToV 2/3M, NH 4/10M, AtBT 10/11M). Our focus has always been PvE content! We do have players that enjoy PvP, but it is not our prime directive.
Guild Atmosphere
We pride our guild on being a “home” for players! We try to keep toxicity and drama to a minimum. Many of our players are working adults, full time students, or have families. This is a game that we play to enjoy and aim to provide an atmosphere where players can make friends and group up for content outside of raid as well! Casual/social players are always welcome
Raid Atmosphere
For our core raid group, our schedule is “casual” (6hrs of progression time per wk) but our goals and expectations are “semi-hardcore”. Each tier, we aim to be better than the previous, so we expect our core members to be willing to work hard along side the team to make it happen! We like to have fun and joke around, but tend to keep it to trash/farm/casual content, and focus during progression. Toxicity/elitism is not welcome, but constructive criticism and feedback (communicated via raid leads or officer) is encouraged and appreciated!
Raid Team Expectations
- Be prepared with raid supplies. Gbank will usually provide cauldrons, feasts, vantus runes, and codexes (when transitioning from one boss to the next, not for every pull). Raid supplies such as (but not limited to) potions, augment runes, personal food, and tomes are the responsibility of the raider.
- Research the fights ahead of time. For mythic progression, study the next two bosses. It is the job of the raid leads to research strats, but it is the responsibility of the individual to research the mechanics as well as class/spec optimization.
- Respect your fellow raiders. This is pretty self-explanatory, but the most important aspect of respect is to respect the time that the rest of the team sets aside to raid. If you can’t make a raid night, have an emergency, or will be late, please let us know.
- Sign-up each week for raid via google doc posted in discord. It helps us keep a week-to-week inventory on our roster
- Be ok with occasionally being “benched”. We aim to run with a group of 23-25 players for mythic content. We will never make the group larger, because we don’t want raiders sitting more than they raid. Why do we run with a group that is more than 20? Because life happens, and sometimes people can’t make raid. We don’t want to cancel raids because peeps have something happen IRL. This roster setup also allows us to bring players/classes/roles that are optimal for progression. Having players that are perma bench warmers is not fair to those players; no-one wants to be that guy. It is our aim to keep bench time as fair as possible, so that no player is benched more than they raid. If you are benched because of performance issues, an officer will communicate with you (and coach you outside of raid times, to help figure out what needs to be changed). Additionally, we expect “benched” players to be online (either in discord or in game) and reachable until 30-45 minutes before end of raid, in case we need him/her to be rotated in.
Mythic +
Many of our members run keys at various different skill levels. We have a discord chat channel and voice channels dedicated to running keys!
Miscellaneous Events
We try to engage our members in fun/silly events in discord as well as doing in-game activities. We also occasionally organize achievement runs. In times where there is a lull in game content, many of our members enjoy organizing mount runs, achievement farming, or alt leveling!
Thank you so much for your interest in our guild!