396 IL 1/9 M Balance druid LF mythic guild

Hi Strand!
I am GM of Titan Forged on Bleeding Hollow Horde
Server is EST, mid pop
Currently we are 1/9M 6/9H
Raid Times: Tues/Wed (core progression days) 9:30-12:30 est (invites at 9:15). We also plan stuff on Thurs/Mon (usually farm content and/or alt runs, optional)
Guild is pretty active outside of raid times. Many guildies run m+ at various skill levels. We welcome casual/social players as well; we like to make the guild feel like a home :slight_smile:
Here is a link to my guild recruit forum post, if you would like the long version!

My bnet: mistique#1844
My disc: mistique717#3503