Tirisfal Glades Primal Storm not happening

I dont see it either

Also invisible to me on multiple characters.

I am also not seeing anything in Tirisfal, and a friend and I did full sweeps in both versions.

Same, Illidan here too. :frowning: Has been happening since the event started

Same too. I havent seen anything in Tirisfal :frowning:

Not sure where, but Iā€™m pretty sure on Wowhead or something, they stated they removed the Tirisfall storm themselves. So, I think this is intended.

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So we dealing with 3? That kinda lame when you nee all 4 up or some thingā€¦

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Funny, mineā€™s stuck pre-plague, and thereā€™s no NPC to change it.

I got Ice in Badlands and Earth in Unā€™Goro, so I think they did an emergency hotfix to make the drops universal across all zones after they realized that Tirisfal wasnā€™t working properly, so they couldnā€™t do the original plan to make each one zone-specific (Ice in Badlands, Storm in NB, Fire in Tirisfal, and Earth in Unā€™goro, according to early guides on the event)


Also, can we say what a massive dumb idea it was to plan an event that had Alliance players going into a Horde capital area when everything else is in neutral zones? You venture too close to either Undercity, and youā€™re either flagged for PvP (And in an event that encourages AoE farming, I donā€™t need to explain why that would suck) or just dead.

If they wanted one on northern EK, thereā€™s both Plaguelands that would have worked better.

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dont need all 4 up as each zone rotates every 3 hours. but would be nice to have a 4th to go to for more chances

Do you mean just Tirisfal, or any of them? Because I was actively participating in them earlier today and now the storms arenā€™t on my map and going to the locations I know they are happening shows no one there.

The main attraction of the pre-patch event is the Primalist Invasions, where hordes of Primalist mobs invade specific zones. Invasions happen in 3 zones: Badlands , Northern Barrens and Unā€™Goro Crater .

3 zones.
Where are people getting the idea that there should be a 4th?

Tom Cat Tours.

As late as Tuesday, many YouTube content creators were stating 4 zones because that was what was on the Beta and maybe on the PTR. In fact, as far as I could find, all info out of Blizzard until Tuesday was four zones.

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Canā€™t say Iā€™m surprised. Even before patch 10.0.2 went live on Tuesday, I was having problems with getting Zidormi to place me in the correct phase. (I was already in pre-BfA Tirisfal Glade from a previous session, but the buff wouldnā€™t work until I ā€œre-appliedā€ it.)

wellā€¦ thatā€™s what the PTR is for.

if there were phasing issues, they probably decided to not activate the event in that zone.

The article was edited today and a handful of times in the last couple days, so Iā€™m not sure when the info changed. But, if you look at it on the wayback machine 6 days ago, it listed all 4 and each element was specific to the zone. I knew I wasnā€™t crazy in thinking that the achievement wouldnā€™t be unobtainable without Tirisfal Glades. I guess when they removed it, they also randomized the elements to spawn at the three locations so it would be obtainable without. So, itā€™s possible people read that article in advance and didnā€™t go back to see it was removed. Blizzardā€™s official announcement mentions nothing of the zones.



Why would they even consider placing the event there? They know how much of a mess that zone has been, the bug reports are from months and months ago and yet they still went through with it.

I know itā€™s a small thing to get angry about but itā€™s also a small thing to not mess up on. You couldā€™ve chosen Easter Plaguelands, Western Plaguelands, Duskwood, Redridge, Westfall, literally any other zone in eastern kingdoms and you choose the one you refuse to fix.

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butā€¦ they didnā€™t.

(which is what this thread was about)

the information which said there would be a spawn in Tirisfal was pre-launch.

elements rotate across the 3 spawn locations

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Friend, I feel you are lost in time. This thread was started before any changes in the information about those changes was populated to the web. There still has not been a blue post (that I have seen) clarifying the sudden change between what was known on Monday and what we got on Tuesday.


Every patch has unannounced changesā€¦

Everything is still obtainable without the changes being announced.
If it was a bug, the spawns would be specific to each zone, as originally announced.
This was obviously an intended changeā€¦ the elementals didnā€™t just gang up and decide to invade each others territory on rotation :stuck_out_tongue:

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