Tired of the manipulation!

I have been playing wow just about since it started back in 2004. That was when it was fun! No game play manipulation, no favorites etc… You could succeed as much as you wanted if you put in the effort and time. Toons got their strength and abilities through gear, gems and enchants NOT by nerfing such & such toons by blank blank % and enhancing other toons by blank blank %. People came together to do 25 people raids when each spec and class were needed in order to get the best gear. Now days Blizz manipulate the games on a whim. They bring out new toons and make them as OP as possible to get people to play that toon only to nerf it weeks after the rollout all the while boosting other classes. I have spent THOUSANDS of dollars just to constantly get manipulated, and as one, I have had enough. I have owned stock in Blizz and have sold stock in Blizz and am glad to say that I have recouped a very small profit from it. My daughter and I have played on the same account since she was old enough to play. She recently moved to another state. After she played one evening I received an e-mail accusing me of “boosting” my account and received a 30 day ban for violating their “terms and agreements”. It wasn’t a “boosting”, it was my daughter playing from her new home about 3000 miles away from me. Maybe when Blizz bans someone they should stop their time until the ban is over instead of taking their money for no services rendered. No opportunity to speak to someone, just an e-mail from some flunky at Blizz. Was having a conversation in general chat and told someone to “get off my lawn” and got a 24 hour ban for hurting someone’s feelings? SERIOUSLY?! Well, to me enough is enough. Some will call this whatever they want and that is their right but as for the truth, I’m just tired of paying hard earned money just to get manipulated. =/


I have read somewhere that you are able to let a " Minor Child " 13 - 18?.
To play on your account.
Is your child still a minor?
Not sure if the distance matters.
If not.
Might want to make a ticket to split the account that is theirs and yours on a account of their own.
Good luck…

Edit I found the notice.

It doesn’t matter if my child is a minor or not. Let’s say it was me playing while on vacation on a different computer. That doesn’t mean I am boosting. The entire ban was bogus.


I think they look at that…
How long of a time between play sessions?
If it would take a normal person to travel 3000 miles… Then play at that location.
They would not have disturbed you.
Hope you get things worked out.
Good luck.

I suggest for both of you to play on new accounts for free for awhile.
Reconnect with them.
Use battle.net to chat …

I want to break a couple things down just so things are properly understood. You might see it as taking blizz’s side but I assure you I’m not taking either side here. Just spreading some info that I’ve learned over the years.

It does matter if we’re talking about the EULA. Only minor children are allowed to share an account. Though there’s no real way to prove who’s playing unless it’s being talked about in game and therefore recorded in their logs. But it is a thing regardless.

As far as this, I’m sure she wasn’t doing anything wrong, but without being there in person you don’t actually know that for sure. Blizz policy is that the person who’s name is on the account is responsible for all actions taken on that account. Again, not saying she did or didn’t, just that you don’t really know.

As a bonus note:

This isn’t really considered in any sort of punishments. Blizz allows the use of playing via VPN, so someone is able log in all over the world without any fear of getting banned for that specifically.

Chat related suspensions generally don’t happen right away. It’s very possible the suspension was doled out from something that was said and reported days or even weeks earlier. There is an automated squelch system in place if enough reports are given at the same time, but the incident is reviewed by a person before a suspension is actually given out.

Just a heads up too, I mean it doesn’t sound like you plan on sticking around, but in case you change your mind, creating a forum thread talking about a ban is actually against the forum rules as well so you’re aware :sweat_smile:

Anyway, did you appeal your suspensions? If not I would suggest doing so. There are times when they do massive ban waves to get rid of bots and cheaters and whatnot, and some innocents do get caught in the crossfire as the system isn’t perfect. An appeal gets an actual person’s eyes on your ban and they review the data regarding the offense to confirm whether or not it was justified. You are also able and allowed to keep appealing to get a new person to view it until you are asked to stop by a GM that responds.

All that said, I wish you the best wherever your gaming life takes you. I wouldn’t expect much different anywhere else though at least as far as MMO’s go. Generally speaking wow has one of the more relaxed policies in the genre when it comes to rules, bans and enforcing them.


It’s unlikely that the ban was about logging in from a different location. I have two different ISPs, which from their IPs look hundreds of miles apart. Basically, the first time I did a rapid swap due to an outage, my account got locked for security reasons, but all I had to do was reset the password. There was no ban/suspension involved. (And it only happened the first time I did it.) I’ve also had no issues logging in while on vacation, even from different locations in the same day.

So, as Zipster said, appeal the ban. Sometimes mistakes get made.

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your opinion doesn’t over-ride the rules you agreed to.


but if you’ve played for as long as you claim, you should be aware of the rules in regards to account sharing.

you have choices.

you can say nothing.
you can say something without trying to get a reaction.
…or you could just put them on ignore if they bother you that much.

it’s not just the game.
it’s not just blizzard.
the world has changed over the past 20 years.
it’s changed for the better.

you’re going to find this where-ever you go.

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