hello everyone. today im addressing the issue of toxicity in the wow community, but the vehemently anti toxic part of the spectrum. today i was doing the crucible of storms in raid finder and we got wiped 4 times simply bc the idiots wouldnt walk into the bubble. i was chill the first time and didnt say anything. the second time all i said was srsly. and then the 3rd time is when i snapped. i started asking everyone why couldnt they follow directions and get this over with. then 3-4 people reply wow this is lfr and you are raging at us? then me and this other person replied we expect you to be half competent (basically what we said). then eventually i said i have a life and i dont have infinite time(i was going to a restaurant with some friends, and i wouldve been done 30 min before) then one person replies then dont play wow and the other says “LoL sAyInG u HaVe A lIfE wHeN gEtTiNg MaD aT pPl In LfR” seriously? every guild ive joined raids at 5-8 am where i live and this is basically my only way of getting good gear. i also was desperate in terms of time. i dont understand how we, as a community, can talk like this. waiting for 2 hours to kill 2 bosses is absolutely retarded but oh no i can use the lfr excuse to get away with not being able to walk into something. its just insane to me. these people have no communication(since the first wipe i was telling ppl to go into the bubble) and when i get mad at them for wasting nearly an hour of my time im seen as the no life? im seen as the “bad guy” in this situation?
also bonus: i got a garbage ilevel 380 trinket that only gave me a 5 i level bonus, i already had a lievel 400 trinket and the other was 375. also also we got wiped on the second boss too, all in all this raid took 2 hours for a 1+ to average i level.