Clearing the Raid is Killing all bosses on any Difficulty. Clearing the Raid on LFR is still clearing it. Clearing the Raid on Normal is still Clearing it.
Difficulty does not play any part in the definition of what clearing the raid is. Clearing it on Heroic is not the definition of clearing the raid. By your logic, I can say You only Clear the raid when you Clear it on Mythic Difficulty. Because I am choosing how to define what clearing is.
People seem to expect to be able to swap to another spec and perform on par with the spec they’ve been doing content with.
Why? Specs are designed to be different and perform differently. Changing spec also means that your secondary stat weights also likely shift.
Why is that not a big deal to people? Once upon a time you had to drop a crapton of gold to reforge your gear when you changed spec.
Also had to pay gold to swap specs.
I am glad that one is gone… but people still mention that reforging was nice and should come back. I agree with that as it lets you bend a piece of gear to more suit your spec.
Borrowed power is, ostensibly, an offshoot of that. Most of the time you can pay a small amount of gold to shift it. Gear enhancing or otherwise changing your playstyle within the confines of a spec is perfectly sensible and adds flavor.
I have no issues with the Azerite systems outside of wishing I could choose what powers I get on my gear.
I sincerely feel that people keep forgetting that WoW is an MMORPG. Meaning that RPG is a factor of the game. This is usually seen in choices, and yes gearing ends up being one of those choices.
Probably because Blizzard made the horrible RPG mistake of making us THE champion in an MMORPG. (Bad bad idea… but I digress)
if I have the gear the only thing that should hinder me from playing a different specialization is skill and understanding the rotation. I shouldn’t be hindered from playing another specialization because of an off-shoot resource that won’t last past the entire expansion.
The choice players made is class and it should allow me to be able to play any of the specs within that class honestly this problem is worsened by players such as yourself that believe specializations are there own class.
Also am I talking to Ion riight now with the amount of times you keep usiing that RPG buzzword just to mess with people that want to play different specs.
It is a bit annoying. I am leveling a priest through legion to get him up to cap. Slllllooooooowwwww. Why slow? Since I am not working on progressing borrowed power and just leveling I have nothing to attack with, even when i proc on the insanity I have one more button to push then it is back to channel, channel, channel, because other things to click are locked behind borrowed power that I do not have. So I basically get to slosh trough the next 15 levels channeling my self to death.
Second issue is that it is convoluted. Remember back in the day when Blizz removed reforging because they felt that people didn’t want to have to mess around, crunching numbers, figuring things out? LOL. But then again this is the company that crushed communities and then later added a communities tab so…
remember when as a tank you had bags full of gear to do different things? you had your flat out dps set for running around in the world, and then your full on brick $hithouse tank gear and then you had your niche gear? ya, what happened to that? now it’s nothing more than stack haste, crit, or vers and just swap talents and youre more or less good to go… i remember as a prot paladin having an int set for holy shocking people to death in pvp and another set that had dodge, block and defense for tanking and yet another set that had expertise, crit and attack power for playing as ret…
Blizzard has the actual metrics for engagement with these systems as well as the info from those who unsub if they give their reasons. Realistically, the systems are probably not received that poorly. The forums, reddit and youtube comments represent a fraction of a fraction of the playerbase. We’re in an echo chamber, it may not reflect reality.
Not the level and the inherent power that comes with levels themselves though I understand what you’re saying and it’s an entirely fair point.
My argument against levels themselves being borrowed power is this: each power gain, usually in the form of stat increases or accessibility to new spells, is built upon, not replaced.
Example: At level 1, a player has 10 stat and one spell. When the player dings lvl 2 and gains 3 stat, 1 spell. The stat gain is adding to the already existing stat and the spell allows the player to do more damage: the player now had a total of 13 stat and two spells and so on. The stat gains and spells that we gain ADD to our power without taking anything away.
However, gear is replaced on a near quest to quest basis and is not additive. Example: At level 10, the player gets a peice of gear which grants them +10 stat. They do a quest and get a peice of gear for the same slot that provides +12 stat.
The player gains a total of +2 stat which is, inevitably a temporary upgrade as they will eventually replace that peice of gear. Thus, the original +10 stat gear is a temporary/borrowed power which is then discarded for a net +2 stat gain in the same slot.
If we were to treat levels the same as gear, the gear gains would then have to be additive. So instead of a net gain of +2 stat, the gain would be a net +22 stat gain. This is not the case with gear as it is with levels.
So while I understand what you’re saying, I hope I’ve explained why I don’t agree.
I really dislike it as well but it’s because I get confused or don’t want to look up all the best ways to do everything. I’d rather just choose what I want but then I do and it just feels like a mess sometimes. My favorite was in legion with the weapons I think because it was simple enough and we got a cool new spell with it.
But too many passives… I’ll pass. It’s too much for me to care.
I mean I already learn my class to play it well, I know the stats that I need. I do enough but then I have to figure out all this extra stuff too? Bleh
Yeah I can’t wait to have so much fun on third party websites so figure out my best tank conduit is mediocre for my healing one and get this I need to wait a week to change it.
Who is this for? Why are they making such ridiculous systems and such ridiculous timers on them?