good for you negative nancy… i played as well. still has a better feel than the current state of whats become an anti-social, pay to afk game.
I never had a problem with talent sheets on figuring out what was good but now with azurite gear these questions pop up.
Does this stack since it’s on my shoulders and chest?
Is this better than this stat based proc?
Why can’t I switch them if they don’t work out?
Classic is a boring game. Boring leveling, boring endgame.
not anyones fault that you have all day to power through content. grats to you, get a job. the forum has been polluted by people like you forever yet here you are defending a broken system that in a month you will have powered through yet again just to consider yourself high and mighty while you sell runs in org… your attitude reeks of someone who plays on one of the “meta” addict realms like illidan… oh wait youre on stormrage. i bet youre a peach in a pug that isnt one shotting stuff.
It’s precisely because I don’t that Classic is boring. One just needs to quest Elwynn in Classic to realise a lot of it is just walking along the same road over and over again, and very little actual questing.
but doesnt that mount at level 40 make you think, hell ya now i dont have to walk anymore? its a sense of accomplishment better than pathfinder
This is why WoW is my “nothing to play atm game/MMORPG”, I’d rather be playing BDO or ESO than WoW, I’d even go back to FF14 ARR if I wasn’t so far behind.
No, it makes me think it drains all my hard earned gold, and it’s still slow and a lot of walking. If the NPC knows its going to send me off to the farthest farm in the entire zone, it should give me clear instructions on everything I need to get done there, instead of having me walk back and forth 4 times.
I didn’t mind the borrowed power in Legion because it was only a spell and 1 gear slot. While it had a significant impact on our gameplay, the system wasn’t complicated just grindy. In BfA, the power systems are layered on top of each other and its more important that we have certain azerite traits or corruptions than it is our own talents.
I’m not sure how Covenants are going to shake out in SL. Hopefully, it will be more like Legion. I just don’t want it to be more important than class abilities and talents like it is in BfA.
so you need your hand held then because you dont want to read the quest? stop complaining about why the game is the way it is. and watered down and “too Ez i have nothing to do” thats why you got alternate power to farm that the rest of us despise
Legion is hard to answer because it was very different from the start to the end.
At the start legion was the worst because I litterally could not keep up with two artifacts to a passable level.
You don’t have to walk to and from the NPC 4 times because a reading failure.
You have to do it because it’s 4 different quests, each dependent on completing the prior one, that sends you from the NPC and back to it each time over a long distance.
A lot of Vanilla questing is like this. Walking to quest areas, walking back to NPCs to turn in, and then walking back to the same quest areas for followups, and the distances can be really long. And the quests are not even great story telling or anything, usually collection quests and random chores.
Sorry Classic just further proved what we all said of Vanilla : It was a good game in 2005 because it had no actual competition, not because it was particularly good as a game.
and borrowed power isnt?
I’m tire of BFA’s borrowed powers. I don’t mind new ones after a couple of years.
borrowed power == the xpac isnt worth playing til the final raid tier
Not really,then you are mehh it’s just a slow mount I want the fast mount like the 60 of 100 percent,then you get hit by a mob dazed all day or knocked off and what’s the point; well at least in classic the mobs ran away after reaching the roads most cases.
And yet both had declining sub numbers instead of an incline, so you’re wrong. The data doesn’t fit with your narrative, bro.
Vanilla was good because everyone was terrible. Everyone was playing the game to play the game; the sweaty tryhards that washed out of Everquest were there, but in the minority.
Now everything is ruined by number fondling, over competitive players demanding that Blizzard hold their hands so they can raid.
kept you engaged in the game instead of being able to literal afk and not die with a pack of mobs in a wq zone
So you are defining what clearing the raid is. That is not universal. That is your definition to support your argument. It is an opinion. Not a Fact. For some raid groups, normal is all that they will complete. By killing every boss in the raid, they have cleared it. Just on Normal Difficulty. That is a Fact. Not an opinion.
So for a group that clears normal or heroic over several weeks. Meaning killing all of the bosses on the last week, It is your experience that most of the raid team will have completed their 4 piece tier? With the amount of drops per boss and the number of classes and raid members, I see this as, at best highly unlikely. Especially considering over this period of progression, you will not kill all bosses with tier every week. Additionally, I doubt the boss who drops the last piece of a tier, will be cleared enough times to equip even half the raid with their tier sets before the last boss is killed.
You are stating your Opinions and changing the definitions of words to suit your argument and calling them facts.
No, since “clearing the raid” as a very well defined meaning.
Yes it is.
Yes, which is pretty much everyone. Even LFR has gated release now to mimic this progression.