Tired of Blizzards nerf cycle

I’m tired of the constant nerfing instead of bringing up other classes. Latest example was Shaman tanking, it was just fun. I really had a good time but now its back to mediocrity.

Its just the same cycle over and over: Fun detected > PvP players cry on forums > Devs eventually cave in and nerf.

Shaman nerfs are a joke older than you are.

Shaman was just an example of the latest. I’m not sure whats being targeted now? Shadow Priests?

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The Shaman tank nerf definitely the closest I’ve ever come to “Blizzard doesn’t know how it works.”

Requiring Shield for WoE: Good.
Nuking RB AP instead of limiting it to MH: The Worst.

They just got a blanket 10% buff actually.

What I was getting at is the pvp crowd crying about them so a nerf will be coming.

Um, no, shadow gets buffs, not nerfs. You got everything backwards my guy.

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I’m pretty sure they’re the only class that got a PvP damage buff at the same time they got a PvP damage nerf.

I mean, yeah, they’ve been somewhat under the radar since P2 but now the community is catching on to how busted their damage and survivability is.

Priests need a more viable PVE rotation and ramp up with a straight nerf to their DOTs – I’m talking like at least 30%. Casters need to go back to casting, bottom line. Once this happens, you’ll see a more broad representation of classes participating in PVP.

The hunters would like to have a chat.

Personally as a hunter I support his message of less nerfs and more buffs. But that’s just me.

you don’t want priests to start hard casting because we can already double tap people.

cancel your sub, stop supporting this crap.