Tips & What you wish you knew sooner

What are some helpful things you wish you knew early on in Dragonflight? I’ll start with a bunch of stuff -


  • You can send yourself crafting orders from an alt to fill the weekly quest requirements.
  • Every “first time” crafting an item gives you free mettle and a knowledge point. Check the AH for cheap recipes/crafts.
  • Scribes can make a contract for Artisan’s Consortium rep every time you complete a world quest; they are cheap on the AH.
  • There are hidden weekly item drops that give you profession skill-ups, such as Ohn’ahran Weave and Stupidly Effective Stitchery.
  • There are one-time-only secret NPCs that give free profession knowledge points (google)
  • Miners and Herbalists can gather while mounted if they spec fully into the appropriate tree.


  • As long as you do not dismount, you can use the bronze rewind ability on your drake over any distance.
  • When trying to ascend upwards while dragonriding, aim your camera almost all the way straight up at the sky to gain more altitude and vigor.
  • Buy Sturdy Expedition Shovel so that you never run out of shovel charges (and thus stop seeing dirt piles on your map)
  • When gearing an alt, save all one-time rares and world quests for when you are 70 with some gear, as the ilvl of their drops scales up with your gear. They can drop a max of 382 epic gear.
  • Every 30 minutes (with 1 exception) a “super rare” spawns that has a decent chance to drop epic gear and a low chance to drop a Dragon Shard. People are tracking and camping these with a weakaura you can easily find on google.
  • People are running some wild scams with the Crafting Order system. Don’t get bullied into spending 10-15k just for a person to press a button without expending any CDs or materials on their part. People will try to gouge you and demand huge fees; I’ve even had someone whisper me about a public crafting order I had posted demanding 3k to fill it (it filled a few minutes later for 500g) Insight might be worth around 10k depending on the seller, profession and server, but do not get conned into spending 10k for just a button press.

Almost forgot the biggest one -

  • Use Anomaly Detection Mark I to find treasures that aren’t where you look on the map. It can highlight them through terrain, and sometimes they are physically underneath terrain such as rocks and are not even possible to loot without using this ability.
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Also each of the +1/+3 extra knowledge items that drop give you a little mettle.

  • One thing I did not know was that the Darkmoon Faire would give you Dragonflight knowledge even if you weren’t maxed at all lower tiers. So I spent a month topping off Legion crafting on one of my alts, when it wasn’t even necessary.

  • Another thing I discovered is that gathering phials (Peception/Deftness/Finesse) can be ordered from alchemists. It’s a way to use up mettle for gatherers and something you should definitely be using because they pay for themselves and more. Just one extra proc of kazgorite ore or some extra fishing coins make the phials worth it.

For all the other alta-holics out there, on alts you don’t need to do the Dragonflight intro quest chain.

You can just click the Dragonflight portal in orgrimmar/stormwind and it will take you to the main city where you can immediately allocate all your dragon flying points straight away.

Regarding treasures that spawn inside terrain, you can turn on the Interact key and then press the keybind. That will loot the treasure in question even if you can’t get the mouse to interact with the treasure.

That being said, I generally do not use the Interact key for anything else as it is somewhat, er, creative about what it thinks I want to interact with. /shrug

I just learned a couple days ago that scribes can craft Treatises of Tailoring/Enchanting/etc. via crafting orders with pretty cheap mats that give you a weekly +1 knowledge point :stuck_out_tongue:

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