Tips to finish designing the macro

Good morning gentlemen
I have the macro that I call target change sequence:
/castsequence [1Condition of 1@Target@Player, friend] Spell1, Spell2 Infinite ∞ (spell 2 does not end on 1target and ends when the target is changed. Explanation: The macro is canceled and restarts the /castsequence when the target is changed )
I’m trying to create this macro but I don’t know much about programming language, and it’s a little difficult for me to put together good syntax in the macro, so I would really appreciate your support.

There is a target reset option for cast sequences, so that part of your macro will work. There isn’t a way to tell it to cast a spell infinitely until a target change, so the only way around it is to just repeat the spell as many times as you can fit in the macro.

/castsequence reset=target Spell1, Spell2, Spell2, Spell2, Spell2

I’m not sure what you want out of your conditional block “[1Condition of 1@Target@Player, friend]” but conditionals go between the /castsequence and the reset paramaters. So, if you want it to cast on a friendly target if you have one and yourself if not:

/castsequence [help][@player] reset=target Spell1, Spell2, Spell2, Spell2, Spell2


Please provide the specifics of the spells you’re trying to cast. There may be a better way than using cast sequences.

First of all, colleagues, I want to thank you, First of all, Ubiza because he gave me the important element reset=target to be able to put together the syntax, and ElvenBane because I found his post [Preformatted text]( from 2019 and I was able to put together the complete body of the final macro.
I managed to create the closest macro for the target change macro sequence:
> #showtooltip

/castsequence reset=target/nomod=shift Rejuvenation, Regrowth, Regrowth, Regrowth, Regrowth, Regrowth, Regrowth, Regrowth, Regrowth, Regrowth

In itself I didn’t know that Target=Could have more than 1 condition and I am happy that today I can learn the creation language that I can teach a colleague, thanks to you Udiza and Elvenbane are great.

That will reset any time you press the macro without holding shift, is that intentional?

Personally, if you’re going to be using modifiers anyway, I’d set it up as a modifier macro instead:

/cast [mod:shift] Rejuvenation; Regrowth

That will cast Rejuvenation with shift and Regrowth without. You can also enhance it with mouseover support.

/cast [mod:shift,@mouseover,help,nodead] [mod:shift] Rejuvenation; [@mouseover,help,nodead] [] Regrowth
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This is great Elvenbane, I was testing the second macro, it works very well with the cursor, and you no longer have to click to select the target for the spell to activate, it’s phenomenal. thank you