Tips on Learning Spec/Class in PVP on My Own?

I usually look up guides on Youtube and try and copy and paste. I feel that i don’t really learn a spec by going based off what someone who has played the spec longer as told me. It can be helpful sure, they obviously have played the spec/class a ton. I want to try leveling a class with specs’ that i have not played much with and experiment on what talents work best and which talents don’t help as much. One major problem I have and why i end up going to Youtube for help is that I don’t know how to come up with a rotation on my own. For those who are serious PVPers’, what advice would you give to me? How important is it to pick a spec that is at the top of the charts in arena or battleground blitz?

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Learn to do big damage. Read the guides, watch some videos, even m+ or raid videos but focus heavily on damage. Players new to pvp tend to use cc too much and not at great times. Up to 1800 you don’t need to cc much, if ever… Just do so much damage the enemy team goes defensive and eventually dies.

Once you can do real damage you’ll have to practice in arena and try to learn when to cc. you’ll need to weave in cc into your big damage rotation… you need to be able to do big damage while you’re being trained. Then when you notice you or your partner has a big cooldown coming off cd, that’s a great time to cc the healer and let her rip…

Create pressure, make someone almost die, make them use their cooldowns… That is fundamentally what you’re trying to do in arena. Make them use their cc’s so they have no cc’s left, then do big damage and kill them.

And you’re right, watching someone who plays your spec well on twitch is invaluable and probably how most people learn pvp.

This. Way too many people skip this step and think they can cheerlead their way to winning objectives. Learn maximize your damage first, then learn to CC properly/secure kills, then weave them into winning objectives. But step one is output

Watch guides and see what they do, go hit a target dummy until it feels natural to do it, then do content that lets you practice it

This might not be what you want to hear, but there’s nothing out there that can help you unlock your own playstyle. You discover that by playing consistently and pushing yourself to outplay your previous games every time.

just start doing it. get the rotation down before you go in and use it. Learn to throw in CC/buffs/debuffs along the way of the fight. Just start spamming rbgs and learn from the many deaths you are guaranteed to suffer along the way as you get gear and learn to fight.