Tips on Keeping Our Guilds Together

Good day fellow dreamers!

Over at , we’ve been fighting the same battle you all have. Namely, a bunch of members dove into Classic head-first.

Nothing wrong with that in my book, but it does leave our retail guilds on Emerald Dream a bit tattered, from a personnel perspective. So, with that in mind, I wanted to share some of the ways I’ve kept in contact with my friends even though we play different games for the time being.

Blizzard Communities. Many of you have probably already figured this out, but players can view and interact with what Blizzard Communities they are members of within WoW Classic through the social menu. Additionally, you can add it as a chat channel within your game. Once done, you’ll effectively have a method of cross-game chat that supports the accounts we already use. I even changed mine to green because, you know…

There are some drawbacks. First, members join as their Battletag name. So you may not recognize each other at first if you’re not BNET buddies. Second, the feature doesn’t interface with your guild(s) in any way, so you can’t easily invite the guild. You can post it in your MOTD and Guild Info and broadcast about it, but it’s extra steps not everyone wants to do.

Discord Communities. While many of us understand the value of Discord as a social connection platform, it has become even more important for it to be a place where people can hang out. If you don’t have a Discord and your guild wants to stay in touch, this is an option too. There are also a bunch of ED related Discord servers to connect with the rest of our community too.

Guild Events. Don’t let the small online numbers prevent you from running guild events, especially if they’re received well from your guildies. It gives our friends a fun and personal reason to come and hang out with us. In Drunken Fisherman, we host some internal fishing fun events and we’ve had members return for those because they liked them.

Classic Night. When you can’t beat’em, join ‘em. At least, sometimes. Instead of competing with Classic, have guild events or days in Classic. We have a Drunken Fisherman guild on Deviate Delight as well and we encourage collaboration and fun on both sides. That keeps you guys connected and that’s what’s important.

That’s everything I can think of right now. I’ll edit in more as I think of them or if you post some. I hope this helps your guild families stay in touch.

See you in Azeroth!


To be honest I only felt the effects of Classic for the first few days. I have a couple of friends who still play Classic but aside from that it’s business as usual. After all; Goblins aren’t playable in Classic. :face_with_monocle:


Sounds like it’s affecting us all in different ways. I know a number of guilds have a bunch of guildies in absentee status.

Have you found things leveling out for other guilds you interface with?

Its pretty hard to join em when dweebs be stealing your names. I don’t know about you but my name is my name and my name don’t change: thieves…

Ahahaha, yeah I feel you there. But, at least you’d get time with your friends, even if the character was an imposter.