Tips for tanking raids?

I can play all roles but have no idea how tanking raids work, compared to mythic+'s and all that. I have no idea how to tank raids though.

I want to give this a shot; what is raid tanking like…pointers and mechs?

Thank you!

Guild run. Don’t pug. Thank me later.

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Tanking raids is far easier than tanking mythic plus.

Its 90% tank swapping which is basically wait for this amount of stacks on co tank and then taunt.

There are some other things you do depending on boss but nothing crazy.


“What should I do …”

Play as dps and/or heals first then tank. Review tank guides for the instance. Tell people you’re new before the start.

taunt boss, use cooldowns, do additional mechanic when boss is taunted by second tank.

Raid tanks get it much easier than m+ where you have to kite stuff

Not for nothing but the Worse thing you can do to learn tanking is doing it in another role.

Tanking is a whole other set of priorities. You wont be able to focus and learn it while doing something else. Might as well watch a video.

Tanking is learned by doing. You have to develop the feel of it, and understand your class how it loses health, which powers to use in which situations.

While DPS is more from you to the mob, tanking is more about from the mob to you. It is a whole other game.

DPS looks like healing a lot. In the sense that it is something you mostly do to a target. Tanking is mostly control and taking care of yourself. You cant learn it by doing something else.

If you need to learn, it is better to learn it by tanking easier or old content.

But never try to learn tanking by doing something else, or while doing something else. It wont teach you right.

Like the others have stated, doing it is the best way to learn. Through repetition you’ll learn how, when, and where to move bosses or tank adds. TBH, I don’t have a clue what the dps or healers do during boss fights, but I know they need something from me when X happens at Y time. In alot of ways, some boss fights are on a rail and never deviate from the track. Learn the track.

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Don’t die.

Legit spent like an hour waiting for two tanks for an otherwise full raid last night.

Normal Nya.

If you can tank, fire it up.

Taunt at 2 stacks isn’t exactly rocket science. If you mess up, oh well. It’s normal probably won’t wipe. If you wipe, oh well. Woulda spent an hour waiting for a tank anyway. Did you have something better to do whiny raider?


What I miss is sunnier’s art of war though. That was a one stop paragraph cheat sheet on each of the bosses and how to tank them.

That was a gold mine for pugging as a new tank. Anyone know anything that can replace it?

This would be some good Tanking Sutra. Indeed.

Get DBM then try to stay awake during most boss encounters. If you tanked dungeons before then there’s nothing to difficult.

DBM makes people lazy. They get dependent on it. If you want to be good at tanking, do it right first, and then start to use “disability aid”.
