Tips for surviving melee lobbies as lock?

my furthest in any rank as lock is this season at 576 in shuffle. Didn’t have the brain power to use soulburn to put my port up instantly so most rounds I wasn’t able to get my port up before they opened.

side note~is pvp dead or is there barely any new people in shuffle? most of the lobby was 1500+, only had 1 of my 3 total games with some people with 0 rating.

You can make macros with spells that works with soulburn because its global cd

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smart, defo gonna do that. Thanks for that. any other tips u have?

If you focus on just kiting you will just prolong your death. Sometimes you just going to have to sit n bang it out.

this isnt actually bad advice, especially if you are demo. sometimes the toughlest locks are the dudes that dont port until big cds are used but when its normal static damage they just sit in place and cast in my face. i kinda eat destro unless they kite like its awc

i macro soulburn into everything except portal, i dont always want the speed boost so i pick and choose on that.

#showtooltip Demonic Gateway
/cast Soulburn
/cast [@cursor] Demonic Gateway

#showtooltip Healthstone
/castsequence Soulburn, Healthstone

Ask your melee to hit the healer and just dump out dmg.

You would be surprised how many healers male a mistake when it comes between choosing to heal themselves or their dps.