Tips for Havoc?

Hey, I’ve played Vengeance on and off the last 2 expansions. (Stopped in S3 since I have a weird repulsion to playing fotm specs but that’s a different post)

I haven’t touch Havoc since Legion and I am thinking of maining it in new xpac. I’m gonna try it out this coming weekend and I just wanted to pick the brains of experienced Havoc players throughout the week before I dive in. M+ focused.

Priorities during cooldowns?
Priorities without cooldowns?
Tips and tricks?

I’m not elite but I play to about 2900io each season so know the basics of stops etc

Appreciate any info

Havoc is all about optimizing your windows, you want to have inertia up during your essence break window, you want to get as many death sweeps off during it.

I’d say the biggest difference between a bad havoc and a good havoc is optimizing your windows and making sure you don’t overcap on immolation aura stacks, if you mess up your rotation by not using VR or IA enough you end up getting rage starved.

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Above post. Manage the windows, there are a lot of short ones…