Tip the Scales and Dragonrage desync

I have these 2 abilities together in a macro, both are apparently 2 minute cooldowns.

Very often tip the scales will not activate leading to starting to cast fire breath manually and cancelling it, then waiting a few seconds for tip the scales cooldown to become available???

Anyone else experiencing this or know the fix?

I am playing Scale Commander Devastation spec.

#showtooltip dragonrage
/cancelaura deep breath
/use 14
/cast tip the scales
/cast dragonrage

My exact macro for reference.

Tip the Scales doesn’t go on cooldown until you use your fire breath/eternity surge. The fix is to wait until both are off cooldown before using your macro. It’s not possible to put “if not on CD” logic into a macro.

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Ah thank you for reply, I guess i will change #showtooltip to Tip the scales, even though that feels weird to press since it’s off gcd and doesnt give the satisfying feedback of having pushed dragon rage with gcd spin.

Can always make a weakaura to make dragonrage’s icon flash whenever TTS is ready. You’d also be less likely to hit the macro while dragonrage is still on GCD

I have a lot of weakauras like that so i can see when something is ready out of the corner of my eye more easily.

Alternatively you could macro it directly onto fire breath. I did that in the DF beta when you actually needed to full charge fire breath every time for max damage. Though depending on what you’re doing it’d just desync from dragonrage further.