Tinker would be the least popular class

Please DO NOT add this class. A tinker is just a gnome who does engineering.


It would be more popular than monk that’s for sure.


Wouldn’t be lower than evoker or monk.


I was hoping it’ll be a gnome with a tank. :robot::thought_balloon:


I’m going to Rez Varian Wyrnn yes thats right im going to do it watch me.

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I can assure you, there is nothing wrong with the tinker class, and there is definitely nothing wrong with the races who will be able to play it. I also think there’s nothing wrong with the people who want to roll this class and give it a try. I do, however, think something is incredibly wrong… and I am replying to him.

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Guys get in here, a Human Paladin with an NPC name is generalizing!


Don’t listen OP . Bring on the Tinkers.

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i mean if blizzard wasn’t lazy tinker would be for alot of races
but they know they can get away with race locked classes now so, it’l lbe gnome goblin only

Well, if the tinker class happens… we’ll find out then, pretending to have the clairvoyance to be able to see the future is such an odd thing.

The Anti-Tinker rhetoric is gradually beginning to eclipse the Pro-Tinker rhetoric in how annoying it is to see.

Anyone can do engineering. A tinker is to an engineer like a mage is to an enchanter.


Exhibit A: Dracthyr Evokers

So there is a simple way to tell if tinkers, should they exist, be a success or failure.

Does the class have a melee spec?
Does the class have a tank spec?
Is the class available to elves?
Is it easy to play and strong/meta?

If the answer to those questions is yes, then you have a class that is likely to be favored.

The last point is why monks lose out. All 3 monk specs are objectively harder to optimally play than peer specs in their respective roles and for VERY lackluster results. Compare to DHs who are exclusive to elf races only and are dummy easy to optimally play and with meta or, at worst, very high still results, and you got yourself a winner class.

Since the Midnight expansion is mostly about Elves, I think a “Spellbreaker” class would be better. Or a “battlemage”.

Imagine how awesome that would be. A tank gets summoned out of no where and all you see is the gnomes head peaking out the top of the turret. So cute!